解析詹姆士·庫克《奮進號航海日誌》及查爾斯·達爾文 《小獵犬號航海記》:兩位冒險家在奮進號與小獵犬號航 行中對土著文明觀點的演變

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本論文旨在從詹姆士·庫克《奮進號航行日誌》和查爾斯·達爾文《小獵犬號航海 記》中研究這兩位冒險家在其航行日誌中所呈現的自我反思以及隨時間推移演變之觀 點。透過通盤具體地分析庫克與達爾文的航行史料,本研究不僅深入探討他們作為殖 民角色所涉及的複雜歷史背景問題,且同時剖析他們在航行期間對南半球之土著社會 逐漸開明的應對模式與態度。輔以愛德華·薩伊德的東方主義理論,此文重現庫克、達 爾文在各自航行期間與原住民、土著文化、部落文明互動中蘊含之潛在權力關係,並 得出兩位冒險家雖生於不同時代背景,但在航行初期皆透過歐洲中心主義稜鏡檢視、 質疑土著社會結構、宗教習俗和文化價值觀,且隨後不約而同地在旅途中反思英國殖 民體系長年塑造的優越感與霸權思想。因此,本論文主張在《奮進號航海日誌》和 《小獵犬號航海記》中,可見庫克和達爾文將南方世界帶給他們的感官、思想衝擊化 為養分,並最終轉而理解、認可土著文化;此轉變有利於我們重新評估兩位冒險家在 殖民時代中的定位,也就是在與異國文化接觸時扮演著文化學習者的角色,而非全然 殖民、帝國主義的幕後推手。
This paper examines James Cook’s Journal of H.M.S. Endeavour (1773) and Charles Darwin’s The Voyage of the Beagle (1839), focusing on the evolving perspectives these explorers expressed in their self-reflective journals. In order to present a more balanced evaluation of Cook’s and Darwin’s accounts, this study will address not only the thorny issues related to their roles as colonial figures, but their forward-thinking attitudes in observing Indigenous civilizations in the southern hemisphere. Through the lens of Edward Said’s Orientalist theories, my thesis investigates the underlying power dynamics in Cook’s and Darwin’s interactions with the Indigenous societies during their respective voyages. In addition, utilizing Orientalist approaches, I aim to disclose the subtleties in the voyagers’ reactions to the exotic surroundings, including Native social structures, religious practices, and their unique cultural values. Ultimately, this paper asserts that the self-reflections and experiences of Cook and Darwin illustrate their perspective changes, not only revealing Cook’s and Darwin’s identities as earnest culture learners, but enabling us to relocate their roles in the colonial era.



詹姆士·庫克, 查爾斯·達爾文, 奮進號航行(1768-1771年), 小獵犬號航行(1831-1836年), 全球探險, 愛德華·薩伊德, 東方主義, 土著文明, James Cook, Charles Darwin, The Endeavour Voyage (1768-1771), The Beagle Voyage (1831-1836), Global Expeditions, Edward Said, Orientalism, Indigenous Civilizations





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