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本研究探討素養導向教學實施於十二年國教第五學習階段之實際情形,運用運動教育模式 (Sport Education Model) 了解學習者於真實情境之感受,揭露其對於健體領綱學習表現面向之影響。透過學習歷程之感知與對話,分析學習者所需要也期待具備的素養,作為未來體育課程規劃與執行之參酌。方法:採質性研究,立意取樣桃園市某高中首屆新課綱班級 (男性 23 人,女性 19 人),透過直接教學法知覺情形、運動教育模式知覺情形、運動教育模式教案執行過程之半結構式焦點團體、團隊小組日誌與教師反思蒐集資料,以認知、情意、技能及行為,歸納分析學生於學習表現面向的歷程紀錄與實質轉變。結果:證實運動教育模式能呼應素養導向之理念,透過運動季之特質及團隊小組的競爭與合作方式,學生於不同學習表現面向皆趨於正向發展,能更深入的分析技能原理,提升與同儕間的溝通互動能力,在教師的引導下解決不同情境的挑戰,並主動反思與修正適合個人的終身運動計畫。建議:課程設計部分可依照新課綱架構發展不同項目及學校本位課程,課程實施部分需具體定義角色分工及任務指派,提取課程重點,將學習時間與決策權逐步賦予給學生。
This study explored high school students learniong performance while implementing the Sport Education Model (SEM) as the Competency-Based Educationation in 12-Year Basic Education. Through learners’ perception and interpretation during the learning process, the study analyzed what students have learned. The goal was to pave the way for future physical education curriculum planning and design. Method: Qualitative research was adopted to evaluate a class of 42 students (23 males and 19 females) of a high school in Taoyuan City by purposive sampling. Data were collected through pre-test and post-test, SEM focus group interviews, team observation logs and the teacher’ s reflection journal. Based on students’ cognitive, affective, competent and behavioral performance, the study not only evaluated students’ learning evolution in these four performance categories, but analyzed students’ reponse to SEM. Findings: SEM corresponded with the ideas of Competency-Based Education. By balancing competition and collaboration learnings in the contexts of Season and Affiliation, a positive improvement in student performance was obseved. SEM guided students to further analyze the elements of sport skills and make communication skills more effective. Recommendation: Implementation of SEM requires definite role responsibilities and task assignments. Teachers shall provide learners keypoint of every activity and gradually empower them in decision-making.
This study explored high school students learniong performance while implementing the Sport Education Model (SEM) as the Competency-Based Educationation in 12-Year Basic Education. Through learners’ perception and interpretation during the learning process, the study analyzed what students have learned. The goal was to pave the way for future physical education curriculum planning and design. Method: Qualitative research was adopted to evaluate a class of 42 students (23 males and 19 females) of a high school in Taoyuan City by purposive sampling. Data were collected through pre-test and post-test, SEM focus group interviews, team observation logs and the teacher’ s reflection journal. Based on students’ cognitive, affective, competent and behavioral performance, the study not only evaluated students’ learning evolution in these four performance categories, but analyzed students’ reponse to SEM. Findings: SEM corresponded with the ideas of Competency-Based Education. By balancing competition and collaboration learnings in the contexts of Season and Affiliation, a positive improvement in student performance was obseved. SEM guided students to further analyze the elements of sport skills and make communication skills more effective. Recommendation: Implementation of SEM requires definite role responsibilities and task assignments. Teachers shall provide learners keypoint of every activity and gradually empower them in decision-making.
素養導向, 運動教育模式, 學習表現, 學習歷程, Competency-Based Education, Sport Education Model, Learning Performance, Learning Processes