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科學與科技作為國家發展的重要指標,科學傳播與科學普及的概念對社會大眾具有重大的影響。科學傳播源起於傳播理論,泛指使用適當的方法、媒介,將科學中深澳的知識轉化成普及大眾的概念進行溝通。隨著時代演進,科學傳播與閱聽人溝通的方式也產生了量變與質變。近年來,科學傳播強調「透過娛樂(Entertainment)引發閱聽人興趣(Interest),閱聽人產生情感(Emotion)後能積極參與(Involvement),進而達成科學教育(Education)之功能。」科學傳播的轉變,也影響到目前國內的科學/科技博物館巡迴展示。 科學/科技博物館結合館外資源共同策劃,舉辦以「科學」為內涵,運用跨領域元素進行主題的呈現是時代潮流趨勢。2010年由臺灣策展團隊與國內科學/科技博物館共同策劃的原創展覽「某甜點工藝奇幻展」,結合產、官、學領域資源,運用生活化且跨域的主題策劃展覽的學習體驗。隨著Web 2.0概念興起與社群媒體(Social Media)的快速發展,人人皆可以在網路上蒐集資料、彙整主題、闡述概念、創造內容,實體策展與社群媒體策展的雙向滲透現象也持續發生;此類型之展覽甚至能巡迴至全國展示,達到教育社會大眾科學知識的目的。 本研究試圖從科學傳播與策展觀點深入剖析科學/科技博物館巡迴展示策劃之重要流程與關鍵,期望透過個案的展示策劃策略,替國內的科學/科技博物館展覽發展注入能量。本研究藉由訪談策劃科學/科技博物館巡迴展示中業界策展領域的關鍵人物、科學/科技博物館領域負責人與學術專家,從科學傳播與策展觀點,歸納出科學/科技博物館巡迴展示在策劃上應具備的核心內涵與重要價值。研究結果發現,展覽是一種非制式教育的學習體驗,科學傳播的重要價值在啟發社會大眾對科學的興趣。從策展策略的觀點發現,實體策展注重情境式的互動與跨領域的主題呈現;運用社群媒體延伸策展功能是近年來的重要發展趨勢之一。最後,本研究也針對未來科學傳播的實踐與策展概念的強化上給予實質建議,以供未來科學/科技博物館巡迴式展覽策劃之參考。
For science and technology are important indicators of national development, the concepts of science communication and science popularization mean a lot to the public. Science communication came from Communication Theory, referring to using appropriate method and media to transfer complicated knowledge into popular concept for communication.As time goes by, there are quantitative change and qualitative change in how science communication and audience communication works. In recent years, science has put emphasis on “Arousing audience interest through entertainment, causing emotion then get involvement, thus reaching scientific educational function.” Transformation of science communication also makes influence on national museums of science/ technology touring exhibition. It is a trend that the science/ technology museums use outside resource for planning curation together, holding exhibition that contains scientific meaning by using interdisciplinary elements to show the topic. In 2010, Taiwanese curation team planned the orginal exhibition “Dessert Fantasy Craft” with national museum of science/technology. By the combination of Industry, Official and University, the interdisciplinary theme concept creates informal educational learning experience. With the rapid development of Web 2.0 and Social Media, everyone can search information, sort out topics, elaborate concepts, and create content. This type of exhibition can also be displayed as touring exhibition. This research intends to analysis the process and key point from the view of science/technology museum touring exhibition, hoping that it can inspire national science communication and curation by innovation power. The research generalizes the core concept and important value through the interview with key person and specialists of the national museum of science/technology touring exhibition. The result show that the exhibition is a informal educational learning experience, and the crucial value of science communication is to arouse the audience’s interest in science. As for curation strategy, the substantial curation stress on situational interaction and interdisciplinary theme display. Social media curation’s sticking point is grasping its feature and keeping the stickiness. Last, the research gives some advice to practicing and enhancing the concept of science communication, excepting the Industry, Official and University can communicate and integrate together.



科學傳播, 策展, 科學/科技博物館, 巡迴展示, Science communication, Curation, Science/Technology museum, Touring exhibition





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