
dc.description.abstract本研究係以實施同儕師徒制的電子公司研發單位為研究對象,旨在了解同儕師徒制的特性,探討電子公司實施同儕師徒制的現況及運作方式,並了解其實施同儕師徒制的企業組織背景及原因。研究方法是採質性研究之多重個案研究法,以訪談方式進行研究資料蒐集,研究過程中共訪談三位在受訪企業中擔任人力資源人員、五位擔任師傅的資深研發人員及五位擔任徒弟的研發人員,共13名受訪對象,依據研究主題將訪談資料整理、分析後,獲得研究發現,其主要結論列示如下: 一、同儕師徒制之重要特性在於是一種橫向的師徒形式,且為組織內部的一種教育訓練方式。 二、受訪企業師徒制的運作現況,係以正式或非正式的方式實施同儕師徒制,以計畫性的安排師徒配對,加上系統化的工作教導模式,並結合考核與激勵制度。 三、電子公司之所以實施同儕師徒制的背景原因,主要受到公司環境的影響、因應組織發展的需求,以及員工的個人因素。 四、電子公司實施同儕師徒制所面臨的困難,包括:資源分配不均、師傅工作量、責任增加師徒間的對立與爭執等。為解決前述困難,除了排解雙方紛爭外,還調整師徒配對、加強主管的支持,並結合考核與獎勵制度,師傅進行再訓練。 五、電子公司實施同儕師徒制對組織與師徒的影響,最大的效益在於可提高組織團隊的績效及技術的傳承,在此過程中,師徒雙方得以獲得成長,師傅在教導的過程中得到成就感,而徒弟也獲得心理支持及工作上的滿足,進而帶動組織的成長。然而負面的衝擊則在於容易造成組織的分化及師徒集體跳槽,師傅因為工作及責任加重而造成壓力太大,徒弟易受師傅影響,缺乏獨利立自主的能力。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this research is to study (1) the characteristics, practices, and working mechanisms of the peer mentoring system, currently adopted by electronic companies, and (2) reasons and backgrounds that an electronic company chooses to adopt a peer mentoring system. The study subjects include only staff from the research and development department at electronic companies. This research adopted the case study approach. Interviews were the main means of data collection and specifically, 13 employees were interviewed: five mentors, five protégés, and three HR managers. After data cleaning and analyses, this study provides the following five insights: 1. the protégé and mentor are hierarchically equal in a peer mentoring system that is viewed as a form of onthejob training. 2. for all companies under study, a peer mentoring system is adopted either officially or unofficially. Mentors utilized systemically designed teaching techniques and were strategically chosen to lead their designated protégés. Also, the performance review mechanism and motivation were also tightened to the peer mentoring system to evaluate its effectiveness. 3. the considerations that electronic companies choose to adopt a peer mentoring system include environmental influences, organizational developments, and employee personal factors. 4. challenges that electronic companies faced when they adopt a peer mentoring system include: a) equality for resource allocations; b) extra workloads and responsibilities that mentors have to take on; and c) potential conflicts and opinion differences between mentors and students in the mentoring process. To effectively conquer these challenges, organizations need to incorporate the following mechanisms: a conflict resolution mechanism, personality match evaluation process, manager supports, performance review and motivational systems, and training programs for effective mentoring skills. 5. an organization can benefit from a peer mentoring system by increasing organizational performances and passing on skill sets to new employees. Mentors and protégés can both grow by participating in the mentoring process. Mentors can feel a sense of achievements, and protégés are encouraged at the new jobs with increased job satisfaction and can acquire psychological supports from their mentors. Thus, the morale of pursuing organizational growth can be cultivated this way. The negative impacts of a peer mentoring system include a) the adopting organization can be disunited with a peer mentoring system and both mentors and protégés may just leave for other companies together; b) mentors may be stressed out from all these extra workloads of mentoring; and c) protégés may become overly relied on their mentors for decision making and thus become indecisive.en_US
dc.subjectmentoring systemen_US
dc.subjectpeer mentoring systemen_US

