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Department of Geography, NTNU
Department of Geography, NTNU
本文主要探討臺灣地區原住民族發展部蘝觀光所衍生的地方建構。部落觀光是當代部落發展重要行動與學術所重視研究,然而相關研究較少完整檢視部落觀光所肇致 的地方建構。本文從新區域地理學研究取向,選取發展光達20年的鄒族山美社區作為研究個案。 本文研究發現山美社區是以地方商品化、組織調整、共享資源三者所建立的互動機制,接合市場經濟、家體制與傳統文。其認,山美地方文化自主性的發展,生產 「社區」的新想像方式、另類經濟、以及文化經濟空間。第三,想像山美在傳媒與網際網絡的想像世界,衍生真實地方與想像地方的斷裂,生產新的社會空間。最 後,外在政治濟結構與內在文化社會作用的連結,以及真實地方與想像地方的連結,兩個地方建構念的交織與提出,作為新區地理學進展的初探。
This paper discusses aboriginal place construction through tribal tourism in Taiwan. Although tribal tourism is an important local development action and academic research issue, it is still insufficient in examining the perspective of place construction through tribal tourism. By the new regional geography approach, this study discusses place construction process of tribal tourism within the Tsou Saviki community. First of all, this study indicates that the development of Saviki community is the articulation of traditional culture, tourism market, and government system through interactive mechanism among resources sharing, place commercialization, and community organization adjustment. Secondly, the result of autonomic development of local culture of Saviki produce “the community” new place imagined style, the alternative local economic development and culture economy space. Thirdly, the imagination of Saviki in imagined worlds induces disjuncture between reality and imagination, and further produces new social movement and apace reconstruction. Finally, This study explores new regional geography approach progress with both place construction perspectives of producing and social space from imagined worlds, and the connection between political economy as we as cultural society.
This paper discusses aboriginal place construction through tribal tourism in Taiwan. Although tribal tourism is an important local development action and academic research issue, it is still insufficient in examining the perspective of place construction through tribal tourism. By the new regional geography approach, this study discusses place construction process of tribal tourism within the Tsou Saviki community. First of all, this study indicates that the development of Saviki community is the articulation of traditional culture, tourism market, and government system through interactive mechanism among resources sharing, place commercialization, and community organization adjustment. Secondly, the result of autonomic development of local culture of Saviki produce “the community” new place imagined style, the alternative local economic development and culture economy space. Thirdly, the imagination of Saviki in imagined worlds induces disjuncture between reality and imagination, and further produces new social movement and apace reconstruction. Finally, This study explores new regional geography approach progress with both place construction perspectives of producing and social space from imagined worlds, and the connection between political economy as we as cultural society.