

本研究旨在探討雲林縣某科技大學學生對無菸校園政策遵行行為之現況,及其與個人背景因素、素質因素、促進因素、增強因素之關係。以自編結構式問卷為工具,採分層隨機抽樣,抽取15班750名學生為樣本,有效問卷共700份(93.3%)。所得資料以單因子變異數、皮爾森積差相關、複回歸分析等進行統計。 本研究主要發現如下: 一、研究對象對無菸校園政策的認知約六成;態度趨於正向。 二、僅約5%的研究對象每天吸菸,超過八成從未吸菸。研究對象知 覺系上導師、行政人員、班上女同學幾乎都不吸菸,班上男同學不到半數吸菸。 三、研究對象獲得無菸校園相關資訊管道非常缺乏,但自覺無菸校園資訊尚充足。 四、研究對象知覺遵行無菸校園政策正負增強可能性高,且學校人員 對無菸校園政策偏向支持。 五、研究對象對無菸校園政策的遵行行為略低。一年級、電資學院、 母親教育程度大專以上、居住宿舍、無菸校園政策認知高、態 度正向、從未吸菸者、知覺校園相關人員不吸菸、相關資訊管 道愈多、相關資訊愈充足、校園人員支持度愈高、知覺正負增強可能性高,對無菸校園政策的遵行行為愈佳。 六、個人背景因素、素質因素、促進因素及增強因素可預測對無菸校 園政策之遵行行為,解釋變異量為22.2%。其中又以校園相關人員的支持度最具影響力。 根據本研究發現,建議校園加強無菸校園政策之宣導工作和督檢 行動、發展和充實多元之宣導管道及提供校園相關人員無菸校園相關 資訊等,以提供大專院校推動無菸校園計畫之參考及未來研究方向之建議。
The purpose of this study was to understand college students’ compliance behavior of smoke-free policy, and how it related to personal factors, predisposing factors, enabling factors, and reinforcing factors. This study used a structured questionnaire as the research tool. The subjects were 700 collegians from 15 classes selected by stratified random sampling. The total sample size was 750 with 93.3 % response rate. One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s test, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple regression were used for analysis. The major findings are as follows: 1. The subjects’ cognition of smoke-free school policy is 60% and attitude is positive. 2. Only 5% of the subjects smoke every day. More than 80% subjects never smoke. The subjects perceive that school teachers, staff, female classmate are almost no smoking, and less than half male classmate smoke. 3. The subjects have few smoke-free school information. However, they perceive that their information is enough. 4. The subjects perceive that positive and negative reinforcements of smoke-free school are high. School members tend to support smoke-free school policy. 5. The subjects’ compliance behavior was low. College students have better compliance behavior if he/she is a freshman, in electronic and information Department, his or her mother with high level education, living in the dormitory, highly cognizing smoke-free school policy, never smoke, perceiving school members not smoke, having more information, media and sufficient information with more support from school members, perceiving more positive and negative reinforcement. 6. Personal factors, predisposing factor, enabling factor, and reinforcing factor could predict compliance behavior of smoke-free school policy and explain 22.2% variance. The most significant factor is support from school members. We suggest that schools offer more promoting activities, diversified channels, and more information about smoke-free school policy to students in order to enhance their compliance behavior.



大學生, 無菸校園政策, 遵行行為, College students, Smoke-Free school policy, Compliance behavior





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