
dc.contributorChen, Chiung-Huaen_US
dc.contributor.authorWen, Wan-Tingen_US
dc.description.abstract新埔國中藝術才能美術班(簡稱藝才班)的教學評量發展歷程,與評量取向的發展脈絡相互呼應。教師的評量認知,由評量學生學習成果的基本訴求,進展至評量應是促進學習的工具,再延展為評量即是學習的概念。而藝才班教學評量最顯著的階段性變革發生於101-106學年度,當時教育部於九年一貫課程綱要中,強調藝術與人文領域評量應採用多元方式,並兼顧形成性與總結性評量,此理念促使藝才班教師組成教師專業學習社群,共同省思課程設計與教學評量方式,使評量本身即為學習的一部分。本研究目的為: 一、探討藝才班之教學評量發展脈絡。 二、瞭解有關教師推動教學新理念時的問題與解決策略。 三、探查參與教學評量革新之教師專業學習社群,其評量認知異同與實行方式。 四、分析相關文獻,提出藝才班教學評量改進與發展方向。 為達成研究目的與預期研究效益,將文件蒐集與半結構式訪談資料經處理分析,得出研究結果可歸納為如下: 一、教師進修是促使藝才班教學評量演進與教育部課綱發展一致的重要因素。 二、教學評量改革的運作,有賴領導者良好的溝通能力,達到校內教師與家長的三方共識,營造共享與付出文化。 三、教師對於多元且質性評量的認知皆達成高度共識,逐步落實規劃並持續修正。 四、未來可與十二年國教課綱的評量精神與實施方式強化連結,使評量系統的規劃與時俱進。 最後根據研究結果,提出未來相關研究與欲從事評量系統發展教師之建議事項。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe development of teaching and learning assessment of the Artistically Talented Classes in Xinpu Junior High School's was corresponded with the trend of assessment development. In the beginning, the assessment cognition was ‘Assessment of learning’, basically measuring students. And then cognition of assessment gradually extended from ‘Assessment for learning’ to ‘Assessment as learning’. The most significant change of teaching and learning assessment of the Artistically Talented Classes in Xinpu Junior High School took place in the 2012-2017 academic years. At that time, adopting the method of multiple assessment, and both formative evaluation and summative evaluation was emphasized by the Ministry of Education with Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, which had prompted teachers of the Artistically Talented Classes in Xinpu Junior High School created professional learning community which aims to consider about curriculum design and assessment methods. And eventually led to the conclusion that besides quantifying students’ skill as a learning summary, the purpose of assessment, furthermore, should be able to contribute to the learning process. The purposes of this study includes several points as following: 1.To discuss the evolvement and factors of the assessment improvement in the Artistically Talented Classes in Xinpu Junior High School. 2.To record teachers’ obstacle and strategies of promoting new teaching concepts. 3.to find out the factors of refinement momentum by investigating related teachers’ cognition of assessment. 4.Offering the Artistically Talented Classes in Xinpu Junior High School assessment developing suggestion by reviewing relevant researches and studies. To achieve purposes above, research methods are listed below respectively: Synthesizing and analyzing assessment, development including, relevant studies.Collecting feedbacks, opinions, and practical experiences related to assessment and both its development through semi-structured interview with teachers of the Artistically Talented Classes in Xinpu Junior High School. Research results are concluded as following: 1.Further study of teacher is a key factor of the consistency between assessment development of the Artistically Talented Classes and curriculum guidelines development. 2.Communicate with teachers and parents can lower the barrier of reformation of teaching and learning assessment. 3.Reaching the consensus within professional learning community helps the implement of multiple assessment. 4.Teachers should keep study to maintain the sensitivity of education trend for adjusting assessment development. According to the result of analyzing the effectiveness of current learning assessment and summarizing feedback from teachers, this study may serve as a guide for further research.en_US
dc.subjectclasses for artistically talented studentsen_US
dc.subjectteaching and learning assessmenten_US
dc.subjectmultiple assessmenten_US
dc.subjectprofessional learning communityen_US
dc.titleA Study of the Teaching and Learning Assessment Development for Artistically Talented Students in Xinpu Junior High School(2012-2017)en_US


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