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在VUCA時代中,教育訓練是企業在變化快速與競爭激烈的經營環境中,維持市場競爭優勢的必要作為。國內、外的調查指出,管理訓練為深受企業重視的訓練主題,而訓練為組織及受訓者帶來的效益為何,也越來越受到企業主的關注。本研究以C航空公司參加2018年主管管理訓練之中、基層主管,共計142人作為研究對象,採用問卷調查方式,了解C航空公司管理訓練的學習滿意度、學習成果與學習遷移情形,以及三個變項之間的關係。運用SPSS v23統計分析軟體,以信度分析、單一樣本t檢定、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子獨立變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、簡單迴歸分析與階層迴歸分析等方法,對112份有效問卷進行統計與分析。研究結果如下:(1)受訓主管的學習滿意度高;學習成果居中;學習遷移程度低;(2)受訓主管的學習滿意度與學習成果無相關,但學習成果愈佳則學習遷移愈好;(3)學習成果在學習滿意度與學習遷移之間不具中介效果。本研究最大的限制在於無法使用360度評鑑方式蒐集研究資料,建議未來研究者可將本研究結果作為基礎,進行更深入的探究。
In the VUCA era, training is necessary for companies to maintain their competitive advantage in the rapidly changing business environment. Domestic and foreign surveys pointed out that management training is highly valued by enterprises, and the benefits which will bring in along also caught the eyes of business owners ever than before. In this study, a total of 142 managers in Airline C received management training in 2018, and they were selected as the research objects. Questionnaire surveys were applied to show the relations among learning satisfaction, learning gains, and learning transfer. By using SPSS v23 statistical analysis software, this study evaluates the 112 valid questionnaires via reliability analysis, one-sample t-test, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation analysis, simple regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. The results are as follows: (1) learning satisfaction of the trained supervisors is high, followed by learning gains; the degree of learning transfer is low; (2) learning satisfaction of the trained supervisors is not related to the learning gains; yet the better the learning gains, the better the learning transfer; (3) there is no mediating effect of learning gains between learning satisfaction and learning transfer. The biggest limitation of this research is the inability to collect research data using 360-degree evaluation. It is well recommended that future researchers may apply the results of this research as the basis for further study.



學習滿意度, 學習成果, 學習遷移, learning satisfaction, learning gains, learning transfer





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