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文藝復興到現代的藝術家在繪畫、雕刻、金工中探討柏拉圖立體。包括文藝復興的法蘭西斯卡(Piero Della Francesca﹐1410?-1492)、烏協羅(Paolo Uccello﹐1397-1475)、路卡.帕西歐利(Luca Pocioli﹐1445-1517)、達文西(Leonardo da Vinci﹐1452-1519)、費拉.吉歐凡尼(Fra Giovanni﹐1435-1515)、丹尼爾.巴阿巴羅(Daniele Barbaro﹐1513-1570)。北方文藝復興時期,阿伯烈特.杜勒(Albrecht Durer﹐1471-1582)、漢斯.霍爾班(Hans Holbein﹐1497-1543)、溫特斯.詹尼特斯(Wentzel Jamnitzer﹐1508-1585)、約翰.開普勒(Johannes Kepler﹐1571-1630)。巴洛克時期形形色色的多面體藝術(Miscellaneous Examples)、阿伯拉翰.夏普(Abrahan sharp﹐1651-1742)。現代的艾雪的版畫(M.C. Escher, 1898-19722)上的多面體;喬治.哈特之多面體雕刻的公共藝術。
西洋文化從希臘以來就注重用幾何學、數學度量萬物的物質屬性,和空間的造型。從建築、雕刻、繪畫結構顯露出這種度量的特徵,文藝復興時達文西把立體幾何學的空間概念應用在人體投影,和人體工學的動作極限,及機械構造以便製造槍炮。從理解萬物的立體結構,進而製造立體機械結構的武器。英國建築理論家理查.帕多萬(Richard Padovan)在《比例—科學.哲學.建築》說:「科學和藝術都是使世界變得能夠理解的手段,也就是創造一個可以理解的世界的手段。在藝術領域如同在科學領域一樣,理解的關鍵在於數學法則。」
史丹福大學克伯萊教授(Ellwood P. Cubberley)在《西洋教育史》中說︰「教育的實行與進步乃是西方文明展佈的一面」。
自畢達哥拉斯定下希臘人文教育四科的內容,柏拉圖創立人類史上第一個大學,以幾何學和數學來描述宇宙萬物,兩千多年來的西洋教育制度的發展,一直在傳播柏拉圖的思想和理念,柏拉圖度量的思想透過大學教育制度以同心圓向外傳播。英國數理哲學家懷德海(Alfred North Whitehead)說﹕「全部的西方哲學只是柏拉圖一系列的註腳。」(All of western philosophy is nothing but a series of footnotes to Plato.)。而「全部的西方科學只是阿基米德一系列的註腳。」(All of western Science is nothing but a series of footnotes to Archimedes.)
當東方遇到西方,西方二千多年經歷的階段,強迫中國在一百多年內努力追上。中國的革命就是面對西洋列強的挑戰,反應學習西洋的船堅砲利,典章制度,以至哲學思想、科學和藝術。本論文《計數、測量、衡重—柏拉圖立體中的藝術和科學》一開始追隨德國美術史家溫克曼(Johann Joachim Winckelmann)、大文豪哥德(Johann Wolfang von Goethe)和歷史哲學家史賓格勒(Osward Spengler)的腳步,探討希臘藝術和哲學的奧秘?所用的方法是形象無言,文字無形,藝術和哲學並重,進而發現從希臘以來的西洋教育制度,用幾何學的方法論來研究宇宙萬物的本質,是西洋文化創造發展的源頭和核心。從重視或不重視幾何學度量的方法,比較出中國近百年悲劇和動亂的問題出在那裡?
Number, Measure, and Weight-The Paradigm Shift in Pursuing Reality Numero pondere et mensura Deus omnia condidit (Translation: God created everything by number, weight and measure.) Above is Newton’s famous quotation in “Principia Mathematica”. Numbering, measuring, and weighting came out from Plato’s “Republic”10- 602D. The purpose of Plato using numbering, measuring, and weighting is to affirm reasonal thinking, and to avoid the confusion of sensational experience. In “Philebus”55E. Plato emphasize again its importance: “if arithmetic, mensuration, and weighting be taken away from any art, that which remains will not be much.” Until today, the idea of numbering, measuring and weighting influence many art creators’ attitude, especially for the development of technology and design, this influence is more obvious. Plato thinks that all things are ordered according to the measuring, numbering and weighting. In his“Timaeus”, Plato mentioned 5 regular solids: Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron, so called Platonic Solids. Platonic Solids are not only applied extensively in science, engineering and architecture, but also can be used as a good teaching material for the study of number-form reation in design. As the human techonogy civilization progress, the idea of numbering, measuring and weight are also changed. These evolutions produced some new paradigm shifts in the domain of design. Numbering for example, the Greek has only concept of integer, when one new numbering idea is developed, it brings naturally corresponding paradigm shift. The new technology and concept bring also the possibilities for new information design and interface design. For weighting, the idea of weight is change form the atom’s weight to the operation of weight, from mathematical balance and mechanics balance to psychological balance. And the algorithm with weighting functions has become not only the basis of vectorial computer drawing, but also can be used in aesthetic judgement. In summary, the main purpose of this study includes the following keypoints: 1. Starting from a Platonic Solid, we plan to find out its relation with measuring, numbering, weighting, and also study howt to use Platonic Solids as a teaching materica for 3D plastic design... 2. From Plato’s original interpretation about measuring, numbering and weighting, study their later evolutions. 3. Study the evolution of numbering, measuring and weighting toward the paradigm shift in Pursuing Reality.
Number, Measure, and Weight-The Paradigm Shift in Pursuing Reality Numero pondere et mensura Deus omnia condidit (Translation: God created everything by number, weight and measure.) Above is Newton’s famous quotation in “Principia Mathematica”. Numbering, measuring, and weighting came out from Plato’s “Republic”10- 602D. The purpose of Plato using numbering, measuring, and weighting is to affirm reasonal thinking, and to avoid the confusion of sensational experience. In “Philebus”55E. Plato emphasize again its importance: “if arithmetic, mensuration, and weighting be taken away from any art, that which remains will not be much.” Until today, the idea of numbering, measuring and weighting influence many art creators’ attitude, especially for the development of technology and design, this influence is more obvious. Plato thinks that all things are ordered according to the measuring, numbering and weighting. In his“Timaeus”, Plato mentioned 5 regular solids: Tetrahedron, Cube, Octahedron, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron, so called Platonic Solids. Platonic Solids are not only applied extensively in science, engineering and architecture, but also can be used as a good teaching material for the study of number-form reation in design. As the human techonogy civilization progress, the idea of numbering, measuring and weight are also changed. These evolutions produced some new paradigm shifts in the domain of design. Numbering for example, the Greek has only concept of integer, when one new numbering idea is developed, it brings naturally corresponding paradigm shift. The new technology and concept bring also the possibilities for new information design and interface design. For weighting, the idea of weight is change form the atom’s weight to the operation of weight, from mathematical balance and mechanics balance to psychological balance. And the algorithm with weighting functions has become not only the basis of vectorial computer drawing, but also can be used in aesthetic judgement. In summary, the main purpose of this study includes the following keypoints: 1. Starting from a Platonic Solid, we plan to find out its relation with measuring, numbering, weighting, and also study howt to use Platonic Solids as a teaching materica for 3D plastic design... 2. From Plato’s original interpretation about measuring, numbering and weighting, study their later evolutions. 3. Study the evolution of numbering, measuring and weighting toward the paradigm shift in Pursuing Reality.
計數, 測量, 衡重, 度量, 幾何學, 黃金比例, 畢達哥拉斯, 柏拉圖, 柏拉圖立體, 藝術科學, 構圖學, 色彩學, 張仁政, 達文西, 杜勒, 亞里斯多德, 希臘, 羅馬, 文藝復興, 巴洛克, 古典主義, 浪漫主義, 印像派, 立體派, 照相寫實主義, Number, Measure, Weight, Pythagoras, Plato, Plato Solid, Geometry, Gold Scale, Persoective, Composition, Colour, Leonard da Vince, Albrecht Durer, Aristole, Greek, Rome, Renaissance, Classic