

本研究針對國中自然與生活科技「透鏡成像」的學習單元,探討兩班八年級的學生使用不同的實驗環境─「電腦模擬實驗」與「動手操作實驗」對學習成效的影響。比較其學習成效與概念內容的成效差異,進而探討兩種實驗環境對不同學習成就學生的影響。本研究對象共70人分兩組教學,電腦組35人,每兩人一組在電腦教室進行電腦模擬實驗;操作組35人,每三人為一組在理化專用實驗室進行透鏡成像實驗。利用概念測驗前後測、問卷、半結構晤談、教室錄影、實驗記錄學習單等研究工具,收集學生在學習過程中的相關資料進行分析。研究發現兩組(組間)分別在前測、後測皆未達顯著差異,但兩組(組內)的後測皆有顯著的進步(電腦組:t(34)= -5.661, p = .000< .05;操作組:t(34)= -4.619, p = .000 <.05)。顯示使用電腦模擬實驗與動手操作實驗皆可使學生達到學習效益。兩組之概念內容的成效也有差異。電腦組表現較佳的概念有「像與物體的動態相對關係」、「由實際光線所成的像為實像」、「凸透鏡部分被遮蔽仍可成完整的像」。而操作組表現較佳的概念有「凹透鏡的成像類型」、「倒立縮小的像為實像」、「實像與物異側」、「像與物圖形的對稱關係」、「照相機的功能」。但操作組易產生的迷思概念有「成像大小與凸透鏡的面積有關」、「眼睛只能看見實像不能看見虛像」與「凸透鏡成像原則等同於實像的成像原則」。研究顯示電腦模擬實驗可以幫助學生將抽象事物視覺化,連結具體與抽象理論,並發展問題解決的概念模式。動手操作實驗能提升具體可觀察的概念,藉實際的經驗增進了技能的發展,而有廣泛的類化效應。若能搭配使用這兩種實驗環境,發揮兩者之特定功能,應能增進學習的概念成長。本研究的發現可提供給自然科教師在進行實驗教學時作為考量,並可作為未來相關研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare the development of eighth graders’ conceptual understandings about lens and imaging in two learning environments. Seventy students participated in this study and were divided into two groups. In one group, 35 students worked in pairs and used computer simulations to learn (computer group), while in the other group 35 students worked in groups of three and engaged in hands-on experiments (experiment group). Multiple sources of data were collected and analyzed (e.g. concept pre- and post-tests, questionnaires, semi-structural interviews, classroom videotaped and worksheet of experiment). The results showed that students in both groups improved significantly from the pre-test to the post-test, but there appeared no significant difference between the two groups in post-tests. The results showed that both computer simulation and hands-on experiment learning environments helped improve students’ learning achievement. Computer simulations could generate visuals and represent abstract concepts to help students understand complex and abstract ideas. On the other hand, hands-on experiments supported students’ understandings about concrete and observable concepts and enhanced the development of experimental skills through practical experiences. The findings suggest that both learning environments promoted students’ conceptual understandings and provided students with different opportunities for science learning. Implications for science teaching are also discussed and provided in the study.



迷思概念, 電腦模擬, 實驗教學, 透鏡成像, misconception, computer simulation, hands-on experiment, imaging of a lens

