
dc.contributorWang, Li-Yunen_US
dc.contributor.authorChang, Chia-Jungen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討新北市語文領域國文科教師實施學習共同體經驗與反思。103學年為新北市推動學習共同體的第三年,推動規模及參與校數逐年增加,特別是國民中學現場的老師在升學壓力之下,仍然願意採用新的策略去實施,實有研究之必要。本研究以個案研究為架構,訪談了六位新北市國中至少連續兩年實施學習共同體的國文科教師,並且進入到其中兩名教師的課堂進行觀察,主要是觀察在學習共同體的課堂,學生的表現及同儕間的互動和一般傳統講述型的課堂之間的差異,最後,研究者也蒐集了兩名老師所使用的教案和學習單作文件分析,希望進一步了解在學習共同體的課堂裡,教師的提問內容和講述型課堂的不同之處。 研究獲得以下結論: 壹、參與教師的參與動機多為對教育現況有所不平。 貳、參與教師的教育理念和學習共同體相近。 參、參與教師能持續實施學習共同體的原因包含了「由上而下的推動模式」、「領頭羊的感召」、「基地班的支持系統」、「經費及行政資源的提供」和「家長的認同」。 肆、參與教師的實施作法主要以「講述型教學」、「教學重點」和「學習責任」等面向的翻轉為主。 伍、參與教師覺察到的改變包含了「師生關係」、「文本認知」和「學生思考」等面向。 陸、參與教師覺得最大困境是「教育現場的積習難改」、「共同備課難以持續」、「同科教師的孤軍奮戰」、「成績及進度的壓力」、「導師班和科任班的差異」和「學力的個別差異」。 最後,根據結論,研究者針對教育主管機關、學校、教師以及未來研究提出相關建議,以供參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis research mainly focuses on the experience and reflection in the implementation of learning community, which teachers major in Chinese at junior high schools in New Taipei city. This is the third year of the implementation in 2015 in New Taipei city. Both of the scale of implementation and the number of schools are increasing year by year. Especially, it is necessary to study since the teachers are willing to practice by new methods under the pressure of the entrance examination. Bases on the structure of case study, the researcher interviews six teachers who teach Chinese and practice learning community at least two continuous years in New Taipei city, and enter the classrooms used by any two teachers to observe the differences of performance and interaction of students between in learning community classes and in traditional ones. At last, the researcher also collect the teaching plans and learning sheets to analyze from the two teachers, in addition to understand the differences of question contents between in learning community classes and in traditional ones. The research is concluded as follows: 1.The teachers are unsatisfied with the current education. 2.The teachers have similar educational concepts with learning community. 3.The reasons that the teachers can keep on practices include (i) the Top-bottom practical model, (ii)the touching leadership, (iii)the supporting systems of base classes, (iv)the application of expenditure and administrative resource , and (v)the identification of parents. 4.The operations used by the teachers are based on the flips from the traditional instruction, the instructional emphasis, and the learning responsibility. 5.The teachers are aware of such changes as the relationship between teachers and students, the cognition of version, and the students’ thoughts. 6.The teachers think that most of the problems result from (ⅰ)the hardness to change in current educational situation, (ⅱ)the hardness to keep preparing for courses together, (ⅲ)the lack of partners to discuss, (ⅳ)the pressure of score and procedure, (v) the difference between mentors and teachers, and (vi)the individual difference of learning capability. In general, according to the conclusions shown above, this research provides with essential suggestions for educational authority, junior high schools, teachers, and the researchers in future.en_US
dc.subjectLearning Communityen_US
dc.subjectFlipped Educationen_US
dc.titleAn Inquiry on the Experience and Reflection of the Implementation of Learning Community by the Chinese Teachers in Junior High School Language Domain of New Taipei Cityen_US


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