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本研究旨在探討流行性感冒防治衛生教育課程介入對國中生流感防治知識、健康信念、自我效能與行為之成效。 採準實驗研究設計,以106學年度入學國中生為研究對象,實驗組139人、對照組132人,總計271人。實驗組進行兩節課共90分鐘的流行性感冒防治衛生教育課程介入教學,對照組則不接受額外的介入教育。資料統計分析採用IBM SPSS Statistics 23進行分析,統計方式包括描述性統計(次數分配表、百分率、平均值、標準差)與推論性統計(卡方檢定、廣義估計方程式)。結果顯示,流行性感冒防治衛生教育課程介入可以顯著提升國中生流感防治知識、健康信念、自我效能與行為。 建議教育、衛生主管單位與學校之間,結合疫情時勢趨勢,增加傳染病防治教學課程單元,以多元教學方式取代傳統式教學,例如桌遊、體驗課程、發表教學法等,引發學生學習動機,讓學習更具效益。學校設置衛生教育宣導公佈欄及校網設置「傳染病防疫專區」,提供最新訊息供師生及家長下載參考。達到增強學生的健康技能與生活技能,透過有效防疫,讓傳染病遠離人群。
The purpose of this study is to explore the effectiveness of the intervention of influenza prevention and health education courses on influenza prevention knowledge, health belief, self-efficacy, and behavior of junior high school students. A quasi-experimental design was adopted, and the junior high school students enrolled in the academic year of 2017 as the research objects. In 271 students, the experimental group and the control group had 139 and 132 respectively. The experimental group had taken two classes, which were a total of 90-minute influenza prevention and health education courses intervened, while the control group did not take interventional education. The statistical analysis of the data used SPSS 23 Statistics analysis. Statistics methods include descriptive statistics(frequency distribution table, percentage, mean, standard deviation) and inferential statistics(chi-square test, Generalized Estimation Equation). The result shows that the intervention of influenza prevention and health education courses can help to drastically expand the knowledge of influenza prevention, health belief, self-efficacy, and behavior of the students. It is recommended that between education and health competent authorities and schools could combine the current trend of the epidemic, and further strengthen the programs of infectious disease prevention courses, also replace traditional teaching methods with diverse ones, such as board games, experience courses, discussion method and so on, to stimulate students' learning motivation and make teaching even more efficient. The school has set up the health education promotion bulletin boards, and an "infectious disease prevention area" on the school website to provide the latest information for teachers, students, and parents to download and reference. It not only improves students' health and life skills but also keeps infectious diseases away from the crowd through effective epidemic prevention.



國中生, 流行性感冒防治, 教育介入, junior high school students, influenza prevention, education intervention





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