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本研究的主要目的旨在於瞭解大學生的身心困擾、心理健康現況,以及探討大學生的身心困擾與心理健康之間關係,並且比較不同背景變項大學生於身心困擾及心理健康的差異性。本研究使用之資料來自於國立臺灣師範大學健康中心針對大一學生所做的「大學生身心適應調查表」以及「心理健康量表」調查資料,共得到有效問卷共1,331人。調查所得資料以t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffé事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關等統計方法進行資料處理及分析,茲將研究所得的結果和主要發現分述如下: 一、 大學生身心方面感到最為困擾的項目依序是:情緒困擾、生涯困擾以及時間管理困擾。心理健康方面則以家庭的和諧度為最好,自我悅納程度較弱。 二、 不同性別方面在「生活困擾」、「時間管理」、「生涯困擾」、「人際困擾」、「感情困擾」、「情緒困擾」和「生理困擾」等七項存在顯著差異。女生在「感情困擾」得分比男生低。 三、 不同學院方面則在「生活困擾」、「時間管理」、「生涯困擾」、「人際困擾」、「情緒困擾」、「生理困擾」等六項存在顯著差異。結果顯示教育學院學生的身心困擾程度較高,而運動休閒學院學生的身心困擾程度則相對較低。 四、 在心理健康量表中,只有「家庭和諧」會因為性別的不同而有顯著差異,女生的家庭和諧度比男生好。 五、 不同學院方面,在心理健康量表中「自我悅納」、「人際關係」、「情緒平衡」均達到顯著差異。結果顯示藝術學院學生在「自我悅納」方面相較其他學院為低。 六、 大學四年級學生在心理健康方面比一年級學生來得好,且21和22歲學生在心理健康得分上亦顯著高於18~20歲學生。 七、 大學生身心困擾與心理健康有顯著負相關存在。顯示身心困擾愈高的學生其在心理健康量表得分則愈低。心理健康中的「自我悅納」、「人際關係」和「樂觀進取」與身心困擾量表中之「情緒困擾」間的關係最為密切,表示愈能夠自我悅納、人際關係愈好和傾向樂觀積極的大學生,其情緒困擾方面的問題就愈低。而「情緒平衡」又與「情緒困擾」、「精神困擾」、「人際困擾」有高度關係,顯示若情緒愈趨穩定,出現精神、人際和情緒方面困擾問題的情形也就愈少。 最後,本研究依據研究結果進行討論並提出相關建議,以作為未來學校輔導相關單位以及實務研究工作之參考。
The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between adjustment problem and mental health among college students in Taiwan and compare the differences with different background variables. The data used in this study were collected from previous survey done by the Health Centre of National Taiwan Normal University across freshmen student using the College Students’ Adjustment Check List(CSACL) and Mental Health Measurement(MHM). A total of 1,331 effective questionnaires were received and analyzed by using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffé’s method, Pearson’s correlation analysis and canonical correlation analysis. The major results from this research are as follows: 1. The major influences for NTNU freshmen were emotion problem, career problem and time management problem. 2. There is significant difference between male and female college students towards living problem, time management problem, career problem, interpersonal problem, affection problem, emotion problem and physical problem in CSACL. Female students get lower scores of affection problem than male students. 3. There is significant difference among students from different departments towards living problem, time management problem, career problem, interpersonal problem, emotion problem and physical problem in the CSACL. The college of Education had higher scores in the CSACL than college of Sports and Recreation. 4. Data reveals significant difference in family harmony for male and female college students at the MHM. 5. There is significant difference among students from different departments towards self-accept, interpersonal relationship and emotional balance at the MHM. College of Arts get the lowest scores of self-accept in the MHM. 6. Significant difference could be found among students from different grades towards the MHM. Senior students get a higher score than freshmen. Students between 21 and 22 years old get a higher score than those between 18 and 20. 7. Adjustment problem and mental health are negatively correlated among college students. Students with high level of adjustment problem tend to get a lower score in the MHM. Study shows that self-acceptance, interpersonal relationship and optimism in MHM are closely related to emotional problem in CSACL. Furthermore, emotional balance is also related to emotional problem, spiritual problem and interpersonal problem. Based on the findings, this study provides suggestions for school counselors and serves as references for future studies.



大學生, 身心困擾, 心理健康, college students, adjustment problem, mental health

