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前言:這篇研究是觀察運動員動作執行時表現的心率變異度變化與注意力導向之前的關係,就高爾夫球推桿運動來說,所使用的注意力類型是外在(接收場地起伏環境訊息)和窄的(球洞目標)注意力取向,動作執行時心跳減速有助於環境訊息的接收與處理,而心跳加速則與將注意力聚焦於內在狀態有關,說明注意力與心跳率之間生理機制,心率變異度是用來評估自律神經系統活動最佳方法之一,而且,比起心跳減速評估更能減少實驗時誤差,其中,低頻(LF)與交感神經系活化有關,(HF)高頻則與副交感神經系統有關連,而心率變異度愈大其注意力分配及轉移愈適當,以便應付運動表現時心生理、環境等因素變化,提昇運動表現,但是有些學者並不認同此觀點,心率變異度指標代表的自主神經系統意義中,至此雖有大部分研究支持低頻區可視為交感神經活動,而高頻區則為副交感神經系統活動,但對此仍保有很大的爭議,認為交感與副交感關係並沒有如此單一絕對,心率變異度與注意力至今仍未有實證研究確立二者間真正關係,因此,本研究試著實證且找出其真正的機轉。研究方法:17名實驗參與者具高爾夫球運動經驗五年以上者,每人在平圴2.9公尺長的高爾夫球模擬果嶺推桿100次,並以洞口為中心每隔10公分畫一同心圓,從內到外分數為10-1分,前50次為對照情境,後50次為內/外注意力操作情境,觀察其運動表現、心率變異度指標:低頻LF(0.04-0.15hz)、高頻HF(0.04-0.15hz)、低高頻比(LF/HF)二者關係。研究結果:進行獨立樣本t檢定發現外在注意力導引比內在注意力導引有較佳的運動表現;組內注意力情境與對照情境有顯著差異,外在組運動表現達到顯著水準(t=-3.163, p<.05),內在組則趨近顯著水準(t=2.278, p =.052),可知個體經過外在注意力引導後成績高於對照情境,有助於運動表現的提升;內在注意力引導則使運動表現下降,然而,在三個頻率段:低頻(LF)、高頻(HF)、低高頻比(LHF)均未有顯著差異;組內觀察注意力情境與對照(控制)情境時的三個頻率段也沒有發現顯著差異。討論與建議:從本研究結果可以知道,若想要有較好的表現,取決於動作執行前時注意力策略操控,當個體聚焦於外在配置時會比內在注意力有助於運動表現的提升,而且注意力得放置與推桿動作有關且有效的訊息上,它即是影響表現的關鍵所在。動作執行前的自主神經系統的調控機轉仍未被證實,心率變異度研究結果與假說並不符合,難以去解說注意力與自主神經系統的相對關係,也不能全盤否定副交感神經系統與注意力間關係,認為還是會有許多的研究空間,針對結果作出建議與未來研究方向:(1)同時加入外在實驗情境與內在實驗情境與控制組作比較,減少個人差異造成的實驗誤差;(2)利用注意力、運動表現、心率變異度去延伸探討心理技能訓練對運動表現的影響;(3)心率變異度作為訓練指標,針對生物回饋訓練中各種訓練參數之探討,以獲得最佳訓練效果之研究。
Introduction:This study investgigated alterations in heart rate variability (HRV) and attention approach during athletic motor performace. Golf putting was part of external and narrow directions. Generally these studies found a positive relationship between heart deceleration sport performance. It was inferable that the variation of HR is used to examine the attentional processing in sports. Meanwhile, in psychophysicology, the analysis of HRV is a non-invasive and quantitative method for evaluating the activation of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. Specail, high frequency (HF) of HRV is concentrating on parasymapathetic nervous systmes and external stimuli or processing environmental information, on the contrary low frequency (LF) is with regard to sympathetic by prior researches. Bu some viewpoints are different from previously studies. Based on the finding of HRV and its relationship with attention and sport performance, the study intends to further examine the causal relationship between direction of attention and HRV and putting performance.The proposel tried to explain attentional approch and performace with HRV. Methold:Seventeen participants put golf on synthetic grass surface which was scaled scores. There was 2.9 meters long between ball and target. The areas between one circle and the next had values of 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and 2 points from the inner to the outer circle. They first performed fourty times golf putting in the control condition and then in the external or internal focus directions conditions. The heart rate were also recorded for advanced HRV analysis during the aiming of putting.Index of HRV:LF(0.04-0.15hz),HF(0.04-0.15hz),LF/HF ratio. The statistics use paired-sample t test and independent samples t test.( α=.05) Results: Quantified as the number of putts holed, the external group show significantly(t =-3.163, p<. 05), and internal group is close to significant.( t=2.278, p =. 052), However, LF, HF, LF/HF were no significant. Conclusion:If want to have better performance, depend on while prior to putting, and the attention tactics will be controlled. External attention will dispose than the improvement that internal attention helped players, and attention can be studied and trained. However, the heart rate variability of this research makes a little variation but it was not accord with hypothesis. HRVdidn’t show significantly in the research that is difficult to go to explain the relative relation between attention and independent nervous system, but the psychology and physiology can not be discussed separately since ancient times, make a lot of research spaces in accordance with this result of study, propose it as follows:(1) Join external experiment situation and internal experiment situation and control the group to make comparisons at the same time, reduce the experimental error that the personal difference causes.(2)Utilize attention, sport display and heart rate make a variation degree go, extend, discuss the psychological skill, train the impact on sport manifestation.(3)One degree of the indicator, the discussions of various training parameters while training to biofeedback as training that the heart rate makes a variation, in order to obtain research of training the result best.



心率變異度, 注意力, 交感與副交感神經系統, heart rate variability, attention, sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.





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