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性別意識與模式本位體育教學中的師生互動研究 摘要 在體育教學的場域中,運動一向被視為是不公平且屬於男性權力主宰的活 動,但是,這樣的性別刻板印象,隨著課程與教學的改良而有了改變,以學習者 為中心的體育教學模式逐漸被開發推廣,模式本位體育教學(Model-Based Instruction, MBI)結合多種教學模式以因應各種教學情境中的差異而被開發出 來,在性別意識的議題上,更為運動教育領域所探討及研究。過去的教學研究顯 示,體育學習的過程中因為教師的性別偏見顯現不公平的課程設計與教學,經常 使女學生在體育課中處於弱勢角色地位,甚至被邊緣化,其關鍵在於教師所呈現 不同的性別意識,相對地使教學過程無法配合性別差異,進行有效且適性的體育 教學,甚至出現排斥與抗拒性別平等的教學行為,造成不良的師生互動與同儕互 動。為改變這樣的不公平的現象,本研究計畫擬透過不同性別教師實施新式的模 式本位體育教學研究,其研究目的包括:(一)經由不同性別所蘊含之性別意識, 瞭解其實施模式本位教學課程設計的理念。(二)透過模式本位體育教學的實施, 瞭解體育課中師生互動的情形。(三)研究模式本位體育教學實施時,學生間性 別意識型態的互動與學習成效。(四)探討不同性別教師實施模式本位體育教學 性別意識之差異性。針對八位國中男、女體育教師進行八年級學生12 週的模式 本位體育教學實施中,經由教師教學計畫進行內容質性分析瞭解其性別意識對教 學設計之影響;運用CAFIAS 師生互動系統觀察法、問卷及半結構訪談比較教學 實施中不同性別之師生互動情形;以及透過情意量表與GPAI 比賽表現評量瞭解 不同性別學生的學習改變情形;研究分析結果將有助於不同性別體育教師教學方 法的改變,可作為體育師資課程改良的依據,更能提升女性參與體育運動的意 願,落實性別平等教育於體育課程。
The Study of Teacher-Student Interaction in Model-Based Instruction with Gender Consciousness Abstract In the physical education field, sports have always been seen as unfair activities and belong to the men. Nowadays this stereotype has changed due to the improvement in curriculum design and teaching method. Along with the introduction of student-centered PE teaching model, Model-Based Instruction (MBI) was developed to deal with the different situations in PE teaching context. The issue of gender consciousness in PE was attracted to more researchers than ever. Previous studies indicated that in the process of PE learning with teacher prejudice, resulted in unfair lesson planning and teaching. This pushed female students into disadvantage position and was often marginalized. The purpose of this study is many folds: (1) to understand the ideal of MBI planning practice through different teacher gender consciousness; (2) to understand teacher-student interaction in PE through MBI practice; (3) to investigate the difference of gender ideology interaction and student learning effects during MBI practice. The participants are 4 female and 4 male PE teachers teaching a 12-week MBI lessons with 8th grade students, twice/week. Content analysis was used analyze the MBI lesson to find out the effect of gender conscious; CAFIAS, questionnaire and semi structured interview will be used to compare the difference of teacher-student interaction in MBI practice; Affective Scale and Games Performance Assessment Inventory (GPAI) will be used to understand students learning change in affective and games performance. The findings from this study will offer suggestions for change in teaching method, betterment in PE teacher education, and promote the willingness of female students to sport participation and realization of equal gender education in PE.



