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  本研究目的在於增進台灣英語為外語高中生寫作連貫性與銜接性,並給予教師寫作教學上的建議。文體架構及主位推進為一篇文章中語篇性的兩個重要元素,他們各自代表語篇的文體連貫性跟結構銜接性。文體架構及主位推進息息相關,因為他們皆來自於系統功能語法學語篇架構及語篇功能的概念。先前的研究已證明文體及主位推進法教學於英語為外語大專生有正面效益,但對於英語為外語高中生的寫作影響,卻少有研究。本研究藉由檢視英語為外語高中生接受文體與主位推進法教學後論說文寫作的改變,來揭露學生寫作表現及其文章中主位推進表現間的關係。   本研究於台灣中部一所公立高中進行,六個高二學生參與這項研究。在為期十二週的文體與主位推進教學後,他們於教學前與教學後的英文作文被評分和分析,來了解文體及主位推進教學對於他們寫作表現的影響。由教學後的訪談則可看出他們對於文體與主位推進教學的看法。研究結果顯示:(一)這些高中生,特別是語言能力較差者,在教學後,寫作架構、連貫性、及銜接性都有進步,(二)主位推進法使用頻率也比教學前高,(三)學生在文章中使用較多的主位同一型推進模式,(四)學生的文章越好,主位推進法的使用就越多,(五)雖然學生普遍對文體及主位推進教學法持有正面評價,但他們仍希望老師能於寫作課中講授更多文法概念。   綜合以上所述,本文認為雖然文體及主位推進教學對於台灣英語為外語高中生寫作有正面影響,但老師須將學生寫作時對文法的注重,引導到對寫作連貫性及銜接性的注意。此外,因文體及主位推進教學在台灣為較新穎的教學法,應將其納入語言教師的在職訓練。最後,希望本研究提供的教學意涵能用來增進英語為外語高中生的寫作能力。 關鍵字:文體教學法、主位推進法、論說文、高中、連貫性、銜接性
The aim of this study is to help English as Foreign Language (EFL) senior high school students in Taiwan write better in terms of coherence and cohesion and to make recommendations for writing instructors to assist EFL learners in writing. Generic structure and TP are two vital elements in the texture of a text. They represent generic coherence and structural cohesion respectively in a text. They are also highly related because they are two Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) concepts that deal with textual structure and the metafunction of a text. Previous studies have shown that genre and TP instruction especially have a positive effect on EFL college students, but how the combination of genre and TP instruction affect senior high school EFL students’ writing has rarely been discussed. The current study empirically examined how EFL senior high school students’ expository writing and their TP patterns evolve after genre and TP instruction in order to reveal the relationship between students’ writing and TP performances. The present study was conducted at a public senior high school in central Taiwan. Six 11th graders were randomly chosen as the participants in the present study. Participants’ texts before and after the 12-week genre and TP instruction were collected and analyzed to understand how their writing performances were influenced by genre and TP-based writing instruction. After the intervention, interviews were also conducted to investigate participants’ perceptions after intervention. Several findings were found (1) participants, especially those with low language proficiency, made progress in terms of generic structure, coherence and cohesion after the instruction. (2) The frequency of using TP patterns in their texts was higher after instruction. (3) Constant TP predominated in participants’ texts. (4) The more well-organized their expositions are, the more they applied TP in their texts. (5) Participants perceived genre and TP instruction positively, but they still asked for more grammar instruction. In conclusion, it was generally found that genre and TP instruction have a positive effect on senior high school EFL students in Taiwan, but students’ attention on grammar in writing should be gradually redirected to writing coherence and cohesion. Furthermore, because genre and TP writing instruction is still a new teaching approach in Taiwan, it should be included in language teachers’ in-service training. It is hoped that the present study offers educational implications for enhancing senior high school EFL students’ writing abilities Keywords: genre pedagogy, thematic progression, expository writing, senior high school, coherence, cohesion



文體教學法, 主位推進法, 論說文, 高中, 連貫性, 銜接性, genre pedagogy, thematic progression, expository writing, senior high school, coherence, cohesion

