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政府為促進產業創新,提升產業競爭力,近年來積極推動職能基準與職能導向課程認證,希望透過制度讓培育之人才更符合產業與企業需求,加速人才升級。職業工會的組織在勞工階級中居於重要地位,在政府與企業間的運作中有重要的溝通功能,如何讓職業工會成長茁壯,有能力舉辦符合所需的教育訓練課程,進而提升整體勞工動力,是目前重要的研究範疇。 因此本研究目的在於探究職業工會通過職能導向課程認證的關鍵成功因素,本研究透過二個階段進行深度研究,首先由文獻探討歸納出通過職能導向課程認證關鍵成功因素的訪談題綱;其次深度訪談三家已通過職能導向課程認證之職業工會,運用質性研究方法的紮根理論,歸納出四大構面:組織與資源投入面、訓練規劃面、訓練執行面、訓練評估面,並產出21項關鍵成功因素。最後根據研究所得之結果,提供職業工會未來參與職能導向課程品質認證應用關鍵成功因素的具體參考。
In order to stimulate innovation and enhance competitiveness across industries, Taiwan’s government has been actively promoting the accreditation of functional benchmarking and competency-based courses in recent years. The occupational union not only plays an important role in facilitating the communication between the government and corporations but also shoulders the responsibility of cultivating talents. To help occupational unions, hence the overall labor force, grow and thrive, this study aims to explore the key factors behind the successful deployment of competency-based courses through a two-phase method. Firstly, through literature review, a number of possible factors behind the successful competency-based courses are listed in the interview outline. Second, through deep interview with three occupational unions that have been certified by the Occupational Orientation Program, four dimensions (resource investment, training planning, training execution, and training evaluation) and 21 success factors are determined. Based on the two-phase method, specific suggestions are provided for occupational unions to apply in their future plan for the quality certification of competency-based courses.



職業工會, 職能導向課程認證, 關鍵成功因素, Occupational union, Competency-based program, Key success factors

