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法國當代極富盛名的作曲家皮耶‧布列茲(Pierre Boulez, 1925- ),其作品大膽而激進,狂熱而有序,將理性思維與音樂表現完美地結合。由法國音樂的淵源一脈相承,以「序列主義」(Serialism)為起點,走過「完全序列主義」(Total Serialism),布列茲將嚴密的數學構思與個人直覺性的聲響樂念相結合,將序列音樂之手法進行無限的擴展。他的作品不僅追求柏拉圖式的詩意,並且重視內在邏輯性,運用音列技巧的手法豐富多元,表現出極凝鍊的思想特徵,作品《訊息速寫》(Messagesquisse, 1976)即體現了此創作美學觀。
The prestigious contemporary French composer Pierre Boulez (b.1925) whose creations are bold, radical, fanatical yet remain order, makes rational thinking and music a perfect combination. Originating from the same strains of French music, beginning with Serialism and passing through Total Serialism, Boulez integrates rigorous mathematical ideas into his intuitive musical composition, enabling the technique of serial music an unlimited expansion. His works involve not only the pursuit of the Platonic ways of composing poetry but also the emphasis on the internal logic and the diversity of applying the serial technique, all of which display condensed ideological characteristics in his pieces – Messagesquisse (1976) reflects this creative and aesthetic outlook. The author attempts exploring Boulez’s composition techniques in Messagesquisse, analyzing how the element, hexachord is applied, exhibiting its distinctive appearances agilely within the paragraphs, and how the composer balances the uniqueness under the framework of the hexachord so as to achieve a perfect combination between the auditory effect and the form of music. Inspired by his work, the author will incorporate the preliminary results obtaining from the exploration of hexachord, and converts those reflections into the implementation of my piano creation, and then further extends the possibility of personal composing techniques.
The prestigious contemporary French composer Pierre Boulez (b.1925) whose creations are bold, radical, fanatical yet remain order, makes rational thinking and music a perfect combination. Originating from the same strains of French music, beginning with Serialism and passing through Total Serialism, Boulez integrates rigorous mathematical ideas into his intuitive musical composition, enabling the technique of serial music an unlimited expansion. His works involve not only the pursuit of the Platonic ways of composing poetry but also the emphasis on the internal logic and the diversity of applying the serial technique, all of which display condensed ideological characteristics in his pieces – Messagesquisse (1976) reflects this creative and aesthetic outlook. The author attempts exploring Boulez’s composition techniques in Messagesquisse, analyzing how the element, hexachord is applied, exhibiting its distinctive appearances agilely within the paragraphs, and how the composer balances the uniqueness under the framework of the hexachord so as to achieve a perfect combination between the auditory effect and the form of music. Inspired by his work, the author will incorporate the preliminary results obtaining from the exploration of hexachord, and converts those reflections into the implementation of my piano creation, and then further extends the possibility of personal composing techniques.
皮耶‧布列茲, 訊息速寫, 完全序列主義, 六音音組, Pierre Boulez, Messagesquisse, Total Serialism, Hexachord