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本研究提出用三維快速高解析度掃瞄式光學同調斷層儀(SS-OCT)系統以進行非侵入式活體成蟲果蠅心臟造影成像,分別量測正常標準種類之果蠅(Drosophila,w1118),與心臟突變之果蠅(UAS-Acer、Mut8i、Mut9i、M8i、M9i、Δ164F1、Δ168M1)。並利用影像後處理的資訊取得果蠅各項心臟功能參數,如心跳率(Heart Rate,HR)、心臟舒張維度(end-diastolic dimension,EDD)、心臟收縮維度(end-systolic dimension,ESD)以及心肌短縮分率(fractional shortening,FS),本研究目的包括(1)測試此套系統是否適用於清醒的成蟲果蠅之心臟功能精確量測;(2)判定果蠅是否為一個合適的重建人類心臟病的模式動物系統。
In this study, a three dimensional fast scanning and high resolution Swept Source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) system for non-invasively imaging the heart in adult awake Drosophila of a standard strain (w1118) and mutation with cardiac function(UAS-Acer、Mut8i、Mut9i、M8i、M9i、Δ164F1、Δ168M1) is proposed. Heart functions such as Heart Rate (HR), end-diastolic dimension (EDD), end-systolic dimension (ESD), and fractional shortening (FS) were acquired by image post processing. The objectives of this study including: (1) to test whether the SS-OCT system could be applied to accurately measure cardiac function in awake adult Drosophila; (2) to determine whether the fly can be used as a model system to recapitulate human heart diseases.
In this study, a three dimensional fast scanning and high resolution Swept Source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) system for non-invasively imaging the heart in adult awake Drosophila of a standard strain (w1118) and mutation with cardiac function(UAS-Acer、Mut8i、Mut9i、M8i、M9i、Δ164F1、Δ168M1) is proposed. Heart functions such as Heart Rate (HR), end-diastolic dimension (EDD), end-systolic dimension (ESD), and fractional shortening (FS) were acquired by image post processing. The objectives of this study including: (1) to test whether the SS-OCT system could be applied to accurately measure cardiac function in awake adult Drosophila; (2) to determine whether the fly can be used as a model system to recapitulate human heart diseases.
心跳率, 心臟舒張維度, 心臟收縮維度, 心肌短縮分率, Heart Rate, end-diastolic dimension, end-systolic dimension, fractional shortening