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本研究旨在探討戶外指導員培訓方案成效為何,以Kirkpatrick評估模式作為研究基礎,探討受訓者的反應、學習與行為三個層次之培訓成效,即評估受訓者對於培訓方案的滿意程度為何;受訓者接受培訓後學習到了哪些知識、技能以及態度;以及評估受訓者實際應用所學的情形為何。本研究採用質性研究,使用半結構式訪談法並從八位參與培訓方案的成員中進行資料的蒐集與分析。根據本研究結果,結論如下: 一、 受訓者對於培訓方案反應層次之成效研究結果: (一) 「受訓者參與培訓方案的感受」:對於符合學習期待感到滿意、自我實現的成就感、珍惜參與培訓方案的機會、自在且舒服的學習氛圍、初次體驗的新奇感、滿載而歸的喜悅。 (二) 「受訓者對於夥伴共學的感受」:獲得一群志同道合的夥伴、夥伴彼此間的互助與支持、夥伴彼此間的尊重與接納、喜歡夥伴間的教學相長、喜歡與不同背景的夥伴相互學習。 (三) 「受訓者對於培訓方案設計與安排的想法」:培訓方案的課程設計是完整且充實、滿意軟硬技術並重的課程安排、滿意循序漸進的課程設計與安排、考量外在因素之干擾。 (四) 「受訓者對於講師課程教學的想法」:講師的教學風格與態度、講師在教學內容上的呈現、講師同理與在意受訓者的學習狀態、講師的教學技巧與手法、講師實施評量與回饋機制、講師在教學時間及節奏上的掌握、講師在教學資源上的運用、講師戶外知識與技能的專業展現、講師注重課程教學上的安全風險管理、講師臨機應變的能力。 二、 受訓者對於培訓方案學習層次之成效研究結果有: (一) 「知識上的學習」:裝備器材的認識及其使用準則、裝備器材的保養維護與管理、固定點的挑選與架設之評估、樹木生長及結構原理、攀樹運動的歷史與發展、繩索課程設施的認識及其安全操作準則、水文辨識與判讀的準則、風險覺察與評估管理的準則。 (二) 「技能上的學習」:攀樹的上升與下降技巧、低高空繩索設施的架設與安裝、攀樹的器械的使用及系統架設、渡溪的基本技巧與應變處理、溯溪背包的防水技巧、繩結的打法與應用、課程教學與帶領的技巧、安全確保系統的操作與指導。 (三) 「態度上的學習」:安全與風險管理的意識提升、指導員具備的態度與特質、同理體驗者的心情與感受、愛護戶外裝備器材的意識提升、繩索挑戰場地的維護與管理觀念。 三、 受訓者對於培訓方案行為層次之成效研究結果有: (一) 「所學知識應用的情形」:應用裝備器材管理的知識於工作場域、能夠與人深入的討論與分享專業領域。 (二) 「所學技能應用的情形」:運用所學的教學手法在實際的課程帶領、運用所學的繩結技能於日常生活中、課程的教學與帶領應用之情形。 (三) 「態度上改變的情形」:安全與風險管理的意識提升、指導員專業形象及心態的轉變、對於相關事物之敏銳度提升。 (四) 「實際應用後的反思」:未來在課程設計上的發想與構思、課程教學與帶領上的調整及修正、累積實戰經驗與持續進修的重要性。 最後根據本研究結果與結論,研究者歸納研究發現與反思後,對於培訓方案以及未來後續研究提出幾項建議。
This study aims to examine the results of the Outdoor Instructor Training Program and to evaluate its effectiveness on the three levels of reaction, learning, and behavior based on Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model. In other words, this study attempts to examine how much the participants are satisfied with the training program, what they learned in terms of knowledge, skill, and attitude, and how they apply what they learned from the training. Adopting methods of qualitative research, it analyzes the data collected through semi-structured interviews with eight participants of the training program. The findings are as follows: I. On the reaction level: i. Participants’ feelings about the training program: satisfaction with how their expectations for learning are met, sense of accomplishment from achieving self-actualization, gratefulness for the chance to join the program,comfort provided by the learning atmosphere, feeling of freshness from having the experience for the first time, contentment with the fruitful results. ii. Participants’ feelings about partner learning: gratification from gaining like-minded partners, from helping each other and being supported, being respected and accepted, benefiting from teaching, and learning from partners with different backgrounds. iii. Participants’ opinions about the design and arrangement of the program: the lesson plan is complete, enriching, paying equal attention to both soft and hard skills, taking it step by step, and taking into consideration the distraction caused by external factors. iv. Participants’ opinions about the way the lecturer teaches concern the following aspects: the lecturer’s teaching style and attitude, the content and presentation, empathy and attention to the progress of individual students, skills and techniques, system of evaluation and feedback, control of time and rhythm, use of teaching resources, presentation of professional knowledge and skills, focus on safety and risk management, and the ability to act according to circumstances. II. On the learning level: i. The acquirement of knowledge: learning about the equipment and rules for using it, the maintenance and management of the equipment, the choice of anchors and evaluation of the set-up, the basic structure of a tree and the way it grows, the history and development of tree climbing, the facility used for ropes courses and principles for its safe usage, principles of hydrology, and principles for detecting risks, evaluation, and management. ii. The acquirement of skills: techniques for ascending and descending a tree, the setting up of high and low ropes facilities, the use of tree climbing gear and the setting up of the system, basic techniques for river tracing and emergency management, techniques for waterproofing the backpacks, techniques for tying knots and their application, skills for teaching and leading the participants, and the operation of and instructions about the safety belaying system. iii. On attitude: the increase of awareness of safety and risk management, the required attitude and traits of an instructor, empathy for the participants, awareness of taking care of outdoor gear, and knowledge about maintaining and managing the ropes challenge facilities. III. On the behavior level: i. The application of knowledge: applying knowledge about managing the gear and equipment in the workplace, discussing the professional field in depth and sharing with people knowledge about the field. ii. The application of skills: applying the teaching skills learned and using skills of tying knots in everyday life. iii. The change of attitude: the increase of awareness of safety and risk management, changes of professional image and mindset, and the increase of sensitivity regarding relevant issues. iv. Reflection after the application: the design of lesson plans in the future, adjustment about teaching and leading the class, and the importance of accumulating experience and continuous training. Finally, according to the results of the research and after generalizing and reflecting on the materials, the researcher proposes some advice for the training program and studies in the future.



戶外指導員, 冒險教育, 培訓成效, Kirkpatrick評估模式, outdoor instructor, adventure education, effectiveness of training, Kirkpatrick evaluation model





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