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本研究旨在探討瀕死照顧者對於生命價值的體驗,並從瀕臨生死處境的經驗事物中對生命意義感是否有經觀點轉化過程而產生改變,進而形塑個人對生命以及生活實踐的態度。以質化研究取向進行「印度垂死之家」的9位台灣志工的經驗學習及生命意義的研究,瞭解他們對死亡的體悟與生命意義感的轉變歷程,就研究發現分述如下: 一、「由死觀生」-瀕死照顧與死亡教育 二、終極意義與人的靈性發展 三、非正式與偶發學習 相關文獻檢閱、訪談及研究資料分析之後,本研究據此提出有關「死亡教育」與成人學習相關議題的具體建議,分述如下: 一、成人教育者與死亡教育 二、專業發展不可忽略的向度-靈性與生命意義 三、成人的非正式與偶發學習 (一)透過敘事研究瞭解非正式與偶發學習 (二)教學方式的多樣性 (三)促進經驗中的反思
The purpose of the study is to explore the caregivers’s sentiment on the value of life, who had the experience of looking after dying people, and the course of transformation on the attitude toward life fulfillment after facing the life and death situation . A phenomenological qualitative approach was adopted to in-depth interview 9 Taiwanese volunteers in Kalighat ,India. Through investigating their learning experience of life meaning and their perception of the transition from the life to death, the findings of the study were as follows: 一、”From birth to death”-care for dying and death education. 二、Eternal meaning and spiritual development of human. 三、Informal and incidental learning. At last, the recommendations for related death education and adult learning programs were suggested as follows: 一、Adult educators and death education. 二、The field about professional development that can not be ignored- spirituality and life meaning. 三、Adult informal and incidental learning. (一) Understand informal and incidental learning from narrative research. (二) Variety of the teaching Method. (三) Enhancing the reflection on experience.



瀕死照顧, 經驗學習, 生命意義, 死亡教育, 靈性, care for dying, experience learning, life meaning, death education, spirituality

