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台灣在這近半世紀以來的都市發展相當迅速,然而,新市鎮的不斷開發及進步,或者是舊市鎮本身未做完整的規劃,均會導致舊市鎮的人口外移以及舊市鎮的衰微。台灣各城鎮有許多需要都市更新的地方,更進一步地說明,不僅僅只是將舊市容從新整頓,更應該是一種與新世代接軌之經濟、社會、交通、政治等多方面的「都市再生」。就此一觀點來看,臺中市中區便是十分需要都市再生的一個區域。 中區為臺中市市中心,不僅是交通樞紐,更成為為商業重鎮,繁榮的景象永久不褪。但是,近年來因為商業型態的改變、道路狹窄難行,以及新舊建物零散發展,亦無完善之公共建設等因素,使其發展上面臨停滯之狀態。此外,臺中市近年來重劃區之發展,郊區、新型態商業店家的出現、文教區的轉移等,導致中區商機逐漸沒落,人口逐漸外移。 臺中縣市已通過合併升格直轄市改制案,合併後臺中市為核心都市,中區之地理位置為核心都市中之核心,並擁有發展已久的經濟、人文、交通等面向,這是應該被重視,並且善加維護以及作一套完善的通盤措施。本研究主要探討臺中市中區之都市再生,對於其都市發展歷史悠久的市鎮,要如何審慎設計一套良好的發展機制,以「都市再生」的理念帶入,使得中區不僅僅只是城市外貌的改變,更是在經濟、社會、交通等面向均能有完善之機制。
Since Taiwan has been quite rapid in the nearly half century metropolis development, however ,new-town develops unceasingly and progresses, or old-town itself has not made the complete plan to cause the population offset and being on the decline. In Taiwan, every city needs to be urban renewal. The further explanation, old-town not only to be changed to the new appearance, should also be urban regeneration which is connected to the new trail of economy, society, transportation and politics. From this viewpoint, Central District of Taichung is the area that needs to be urban regeneration. Central District is the core area of Taichung, not only the transportation hub, also the commercial business place and the prosperous picture would not fade. But recent years, the changed commercial type, the narrow alley, the new/old buildings scattered development and not complete public works make the development of the district to be stationary state. In addition, the development of land consideration district of Taichung in recent year makes the suburb, the new business store and transfer the district of culture and education to cause Central District decline and population drain gradually. The city and county of Taichung have already merged to be a Special Municipality. After this merge, Taichung will be the core city and Central District also becomes the core area in position of this city. Central District has the long-developed economy, humanities, transportation and so on should be taken seriously and maintained and to make a complete set of measures. This research mainly discusses urban regeneration of Taichung Central District and, and how can design a set of good development mechanism carefully for the historic urban development. The idea of Urban Regeneration changes not only the appearance of this urban, but also has the consummation mechanism for the economy, the society, the transportation and so on.



都市再生, 臺中市中區, 都市更新, 都市發展, urban regeneration, Central District of Taichung City, urban renewal, urban development

