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《現場·戰場·夢工場》電影紀錄片內容講述五月天兩場大型巡迴演唱會與幕後工作人員,本文試圖以語藝批評中的敘事分析此電影文本,針對紀錄片內容兩場大型巡迴演唱會的觀察,運用敘事分析中的三元素-setting(場景)、characters(角色)、Theme (主題),來觀察其紀錄片中所建構的自我的認同與想像,是否如同紀錄片中所展演的主題一致。    在現今流行音樂中,是否會因歌曲、音樂與歌詞創作成為反叛社會的傳聲筒抑是紓壓管道?五月天時代屹立不搖的原因何在,紀錄片以台灣為基地的向世界各地的巡迴演出,紀錄片播放的歌曲、舞台視覺效果、主題式演出內容與引言人,用著說故事的方式說服閱聽者。    研究發現,故事內容訴說(一)夢想與堅持對抗現實壓力與外在重量(二)創造自我與文明的罪 (三)理想價值面對心中的烏托邦世界。從多方角度的語藝分析,演唱會歌曲、演出與引言人在紀錄片中,透過三方人員的故事,來呈現他們的理念與意象,試圖來彰顯社會的反叛力量,但面對社會族群認同卻動搖,影片章節故事性能不斷地鼓舞閱聽者、激勵甚至凝聚其向心力,紀錄片多面向的演譯,從舞台前、演出中至幕後平凡的生活,試圖營造出肯定自我與故事。
The movie documentary, Live In Live, features two of Mayday hugh tour concerts and the staffs behind of it. In this paper, the movie text is going to be analyzed by using narrative analysis in rhetoric criticism. More specifically, through the observation on the two tour concerts, four elements in narrative analysis, which are setting, characters, audience and topic, are going to be used to determine whether the self-identity and imagination that being build-up in the documentary is consistent with the topic of the movie documentary. Is song, music and lyric-writing in today’s pop music culture becoming one of the ways to express rebellion and stress towards the society? Moreover, what is the reason behind the firm position of Mayday’s era? This documentary features the world tour concert that based in Taiwan, in mixing with songs, stage visual effects, themed performances and panelists, persuading the audience by using the storytelling way. Research points out three main points, which are 1. Dream and persistence versus realistic pressure and external weight 2. The sin of creating self-value and civilization 3. Ideal value facing the utopia’s world in the heart. Through thedifferent perspective of rhetoric criticism, songs and performances of the concert and panelists of the documentary are being detailed analyzed. Via the stories of the three parties, idea and imaginary is being presented, while trying to also highlight the rebellion power of the society behind of it. As facing the indecisive recognition of the citizens, the movie documentary being very positive by keep on encourage the audience, and even embrace and uplift their coherence. The multifaceted interpretation of the documentary not only shows what it is like being onstage, having performance and even adjusting to the normal life offstage, all in all trying to point out the value of self-affirmation.



《現場·戰場·夢工場》電影紀錄片, 語藝批評, 敘事分析, Live In Live documentary, rhetoric criticism, narrative analysis

