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Office of Research and Development


本研究主要分析技職體系學生從職校晉升到四技二專階段,主修科系的轉換模式。過去對於主修科系的研究,多在於個人選擇科系時涉及的社會心理因素,很少有研 究是以鉅視的角度,探討學生在兩階段主修科系的轉換與流動。本研究運用「臺灣高等教育資料庫」之資料進行量化分析,研究發現有三:一、職校與四技二專階 段,各類科的結構分佈並不相同,因此提供了科系轉換的空間。二、技職學生的兩階段科系流動,具有性別區隔的現象。三、男性的循環流動率較大,女性則以結構 流動率較大。本文之研究成果可作為技職教育與勞力市場連結等後續研究的基礎,亦可提供技職教育政策之參考與建議。
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the pattern of students’ voluntary change in major when they continue their education from degrees of senior vocational high schools to 4-year technology institutes or to 2-year junior colleges for technological and vocational education (TVE). Most previous studies have focused on how social and psychological factors influence students’ choice of major, but very few have studied the pattern of moving from one stage to another, including “major shift,” in terms of a macro-perspective. This research project adopted a quantitative method to analyze the empirical data by employing the database “Taiwan Higher Educational Data System.” Empirical analysis of the results shows that: (1) the structure arrangement of major subjects in senior vocational schools is quite different from the arrangement in 4-year technology institutes and 2-year junior colleges; (2) the decision on the part of TVE students to change their major is partly a reflection of sexual segregation; (3) male students’ rate of “major shifting” is higher than that for female students, while the rate of “structural mobility” (changing easily from one form of structure to another) is higher for female than for male students. The author believes that the findings of this paper can not only serve as a basis for further research on the linkage between TVE and the labor markets, but also can contribute to TVE policy making.



