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幽默在社交情境下可調劑氣氛、緩解衝突、拉近社交距離,對個體的人際關係 實有其助益,自閉症者卻因社交功能的缺陷,普遍被認為沒有幽默感。從過去的 研究中發現一般個體的幽默感可透過後天訓練而獲得提升,但是否同樣能藉由後 天訓練來提升自閉症者的幽默表現之實徵研究卻相對稀少,本研究針對自閉症的 幽默特性設計一套幽默理解與社交幽默因應課程,並探討該教學方案對自閉症中 學生幽默理解與欣賞、幽默風格的影響效果。本研究之「幽默理解與社交幽默因 應課程」採「課程講授」、「互動教學」 以及「實作演練」三種方式進行教學介入, 其中「課程教學」共分為十個單元,期能提升自閉症學生之幽默理解與欣賞及親 和型幽默風格。 本研究採準實驗法,招募自閉症中學生 20 名為研究對象,隨機分為實驗組與 控制組。實驗效果評估方面,採用的研究工具為「幽默理解與欣賞問卷」 、 「幽默 風格量表」 ,以 Mann-Whitey U 檢定比較實驗組與控制組在各項指標的進步分數之 差異情形,並輔以「課程回饋問卷」 、 「學生作品蒐集」 、 「課程觀察評量」作為質 性分析,以深入瞭解教學實驗之效果。綜合各項結果,獲得以下研究結論: 一、幽默理解與社交幽默因應課程能提升自閉症中學生「無厘頭幽默」之理解與 欣賞,未能有效提升「失諧解困幽默」之理解與欣賞。 二、幽默理解與社交幽默因應課程能增進自閉症中學生使用「親和型」幽默風格 之傾向, 「自我提升型」「攻擊型」 、 「自我貶抑型」幽默風格未有顯著改變。 從研究結果顯示自閉症者之部分幽默可藉由後天訓練而獲得提升 , 而學生的課 程回饋問卷也看出學生對於幽默理解與社交幽默訓練課程的喜愛並認為其有幫 助,此一發現對教師在增進自閉症學生之社交技巧方面,從教學設計上融入幽默刺激也是一種可考量的方向。
Humor could adjust the atmosphere to prevent the conflict and shorten interpersonal distance in the social situation. Humor is, indeed, beneficial to the interpersonal relationship of individual. Autism are generally considered to be humorless owing to their defects in social function. The researchers can find that the general individual’s sense of humor could be promoted through humor training curriculum from previous research. However, the empirical research of whether the ASD’ s humorous performance can be improved by acquired training is relatively rare. The present study aims to design a set of humor comprehension and humor coping training according to ASD’s humorous characteristic, and probe the effect of the educational program has on ASD students’ humor comprehension, humor appreciation, and humor styles. The course employ three ways, which include the “lecture ”, “interactive teaching”, and“group play”, to implement teaching intervention. The course is comprised of 10 teaching units. The content of the course is mainly focused on humor comprehension and humor appreciation, and humor coping in social situation. The researchers expect that ASD students’ humor comprehension, humor appreciation and affiliative humor style could be elevated after humor comprehension and humor coping training. The present study adopted quasi-experimental design. 20 students in middle and in high school with autism were recruited to participate in this study , and they were randomly divided into experimental and control groups. The instruments utilized to examine the effects of the program were Questionnaire of humor comprehension, appreciation, and traditional Chinese version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire. And then, the researchers employ Mann-Whitey U test to analyze the difference of gain scores of pre-test post-test between these two groups. Apart from that, the researchers also conducted the analysis of instructional process by collecting “ feedback questionnaire”, “ student work”and “classroom observation”to understand the effect of teaching intervention. The findings were presented as the following. 1. Humor comprehension and humor coping training can enhance ASD students’ comprehension and appreciation of nonsense humor, but it can not elevate comprehension and appreciation of incongruity-resolution humor. 2. Humor comprehension and humor coping training can enhance ASD students’ affiliative humor style, while self-enhancing, self-defeating and aggressive humor style didn’t have significant difference. The findings of the present study show that students in middle and in high school with autism can promote part of humor performance of them after receiving humor training, and ASD students response that they like this course and think it is valuable. This finding provide teacher with an alternative in improving social skill of ASD students.



自閉症, 幽默理解與社交幽默因應課程, 幽默理解, 幽默欣賞, 幽默風格, Autism, Humor comprehension and humor coping training, Humor comprehension, Humor appreciation, Humor styles

