

本研究的主要目的在探討依據4MAT系統設計的光合作用課程之成效,包括分析學生的學習風格、學習成就及概念獲得的情形,以及學生在教學活動中的學習偏好。為達成研究目的,以臺北市某國中七年級兩班普通班學生為研究對象,分別施予研究者設計的4MAT系統課程及以講述為主兩種課程,簡稱為4MAT組與講述組,兩組各有37人,授課時間約為150分鐘。研究過程包含使用David Kolb的學習風格量表來區分學生的學習風格,以統計軟體分析學習成就診斷測驗前後測的成績,來比較學生的學習成效,並晤談學生來瞭解其學習偏好。 結果發現:在教學後,兩組學生的成績均有顯著進步,4MAT組的後測成績優於講述組,但未達顯著差異。4MAT組課程較有利於低成就及中成就學生的學習表現,而講述組課程較有利於高成就學生的學習表現。另外,在概念獲得方面,4MAT組對較為抽象困難概念的釐清較佳;而講述組課程對基本知識的概念釐清較佳。以學習風格來看,4MAT組課程較能引導偏好具體經驗學習者的學習。同時,發現到不同學習風格學生在認知層次、概念獲得及學習偏好的表現均有不同,4MAT組課程對於第二類、第三類及第四類學習者來說,課程中的部分活動確實能符合他們的學習偏好。 根據本研究成果,4MAT系統確實可作為教學設計上的參考依據,它可以幫助不同學習風格學生的學習成效。教學過程中提供不同的學習活動,可以促進低成就學生的學習,也有助於偏好具體經驗學習的學生。
The purpose of this study is to investigate effects of applying a 4MAT system to the photosynthesis unit at a public junior high school in Taipei City. In order to achieve the purpose, this study included two seventh classes and designed instructional materials with two instructional approaches for the classes (i.e., lecture-based class and 4MAT class). The participants were categorized into 4 learning styles with David Kolb’s learning style inventory and took pre- and post-tests that were used to assess their conceptual understandings about photosynthesis. After the instruction, 24 students were interviewed to assess their learning preference. By comparing the pre- and post-test scores, the study finds that both classes show significant improvement in conceptual understandings. The performance of the 4MAT class is better than the lecture-based class on the post-test, but no significant difference is found. Additionally, low and middle achieving students seem to benefit more in the 4MAT class, while high achieving students appear to improve more in the lecture-based class. The results also show that the 4MAT approach helps students comprehend abstract and difficult concepts, and that the lecture-based approach is especially useful to support student learning basic knowledge. The 4MAT approach can help students who prefer concrete experiences as dominant learning ability perform better. Therefore, the results suggest that the 4MAT system is a useful instructional approach to designing activities for learners with different achieving levels and learning styles.



迷思概念, 學習風格, 4MAT系統, misconception, learning style, 4MAT System

