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資訊科技的進步可說是推動人力資源管理從人事行政者轉型到企業策略夥伴的最 大動力。電子化人力資源管理(e-HR)的採用也成為企業推動各項組織策略行動的主要 趨勢之ㄧ。但是文獻與業界資料顯示公司在電子化人力資源管理的採用上呈現不同的 接受程度,於是從各個角度探討電子化人力資源管理的採用因素成為人力資源管理與 資訊科技研究學者的顯學。不過,電子化人力資源管理採用因素的研究至今還沒有較 一致的結果,同時也較缺乏採用後對企業的實際成效的研究。本研究試圖補充目前文 獻的不足,提出一個整合型模式以多層次概念系統性地來探討電子化人力資源管理採 用可能的前因與後果。本研究架構以「科技–組織–環境架構」作為組織層次e-HR 採 用因素的理論基礎,而以「角色理論」及「任務資訊處理理論」來探討個人層次 (HR 工作者) e-HR 的採用因素,同時也對e-HR 的採用對組織層次與個人層次應有的實際成 效提出探討。本研究將以階層線性模型統計方法 (HLM) 來釐清e-HR 採用的前因與後 果中的多層次概念與跨層次影響。樣本以臺灣上市公司為主,並將以質性與量化研究 方式進行資料收集與分析,資料來源除上市公司公開資訊以外,主要來自每一家樣本 公司的人資主管與部門裡具代表性數量的人資工作者。本研究的預期貢獻是完成在人 力資源管理研究領域的第一個跨層次e-HR 採用分析,驗證e-HR 採用的相關理論,並 提供全球人力資源業界臺灣最新的e-HR 採用現況分析。
Information technology has been cited as one of the dominant driving forces of HR’s transition from the role of a personnel administrator to that of a strategic business partner. The utilization of electronic or web-based human resource management systems (e-HR) to facilitate organizational strategy thus becomes a dominant trend. However, as empirical and anecdotal evidences show a varying degree of firm’s e-HR usage, attempts to understand the factors of adoption thus become a popular research interest among human resources and information technology academics. As the literature reveals, the few findings on factors of adoption are rather scattered and inconsistent. Furthermore, the consequences of e-HR adoption are usually assumed and rarely examined empirically. This research attempts to fill those gaps by systematically investigating e-HR usage and adoption in Taiwan in an integrated model that includes possible antecedents and consequences from a multilevel perspective. The research framework builds on the Technology- Organization- Environment framework as the theoretical basis for the firm level adoption of e-HR; while the role theory and task information processing theory are used to test the individual level adoption. Consequences on both the firm and the individual level are also suggested and examined. This study will adopt the hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) method to examine the multilevel phenomenon. Sample will be selected from the companies listed in the Taiwan Stock Exchange. Both qualitative and quantitative approach will be employed to fulfill study objectives. HR managers and specialists in sample companies will serve as subjects of the study. The proposed research hopes to contribute to the academic field of human resource management as one of the first multilevel research on e-HR adoption, and to the HR practitioners with an updated understanding of the development and trends in e-HR practices in an economy with high reputation in e-readiness and digital development.







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