人文藝術創造優質旅遊品牌之研究 〜以日本 JR 九州七星列車為例

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旅遊產業已晉身世界各國的第三大出口產業,無論是已開發國家或是開發中國家甚至未開發國家,都已竭盡所能將其國內觀光特色與景點推廣至世界,儼然是無煙囪的工業革命。 讓世界頂級富豪趨之若鶩的七星列車究竟有什麼引人入勝之魅力?式微的火車運輸業要如何在觀光產業中成為藍海產業,箇中訣竅究竟是什麼? 臺灣要如何讓五大洲的觀光旅客看到來臺灣旅遊的魅力與價值,乃是本研究所要闡述的重點,藉此研究提供政府相關部門作為制定政策的參考。以此切磋,期待臺灣的旅遊業者能夠攜手合作,走出競價的紅海邁向優質旅遊的藍海!
Tourism industry has become the top third export industry in the world. Every country from developed countries, developing countries or undeveloped countries devote their best to promote their own tour specialties and spots to the world. Tourism is just like Chimney free Industrial Revolution. Why is the cruise train Seven Stars in Kyushu so fascinating to make magnate make beeline for? In what way could the declining Train transportation industry create blue ocean market in the tourism industry? This study sheds light on the charm and value Taiwan has to create for tourists from all over the world in their tour to Taiwan. The result of this study could act as useful reference for our government departments to formulate policies. Therefore, a good corporation of the Tourism industry in Taiwan will establish a blue ocean market with high quality tour, but not a red ocean market with competitive sale price.



七星列車, 優質旅遊品牌, 臥鋪列車, Seven-Star Train, Excellent Tourism Brands, Sleeper train

