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本研究試圖解析臺灣男子菁英籃球員赴中國發展之遷移因素與意涵,以曾赴中國男子籃球職業聯賽(CBA)之臺灣運動員為研究對象,探討其如何受到經濟、文化、結構與個人因素影響,以及前/後期之遷移意涵是否有所不同。研究方法為文獻資料回顧法與訪談法,受訪者共10位。主要研究發現如下: 1.遷移因素:在經濟層面,古典經濟理論觀點認為兩岸聯賽俱樂部所能提供之薪資差距,是為關鍵的遷移因素;在文化層面,兩岸語言文化的親近性,使得人才招募資訊傳遞、人際網絡建立以及運動員異地適應皆相對容易,扮演維繫遷移的功能;在結構因素層面,中國職業籃球聯賽針對臺灣籃球員相關規定採取「寬鬆而攏絡」策略,相對地臺灣籃球聯賽目前尚未有相關規定,僅有球團合約作為管控機制,近期以無合約狀態球員遷移中國為主;個人層面則呈現高度個人化情形。 2.第一波與第二波遷移運動員同樣體認到美國夢的遙不可及,然而,第二波遷移運動員對出國打球的欲望似乎更為強烈,遷移目的地也不再侷限於美國最高殿堂(NBA),而將歐洲以及亞洲其他各國皆列入可能選項。再者,依聯賽職業化程度的推論,早期遷移運動員受到來自臺灣運動環境變動的推力「職籃封館」與「換血政策」,以及臺灣母隊較為深刻的影響,並且在自我實現動機表現也不若晚期遷移運動員強烈。研究者據此認為第一波遷移運動員之遷移行為,乃鑲嵌在當時的社會脈動中,運動員個人決策成分低,且個人跨國能動性的感受低落,對個人跨越國界的想像不若後期運動員活潑。 綜論之,如能拉近兩岸籃球聯賽的薪資差距,能一定程度避免過多運動員遷移至中國發展;並建議持續蒐集臺灣運動員旅中遷移資料,以建立更完整之運動員遷移視野。
Taiwanese basketball athletes have been migrating to CBA, China which caused concerns of losing sport talents from Taiwanese perspective in recent years. This study aimed to analyze the migration factors and significance of the athletic migration phenomenon crossing the Taiwan Strait, and their chronically changes from 1999 to 2010. Literature review and semi-strucutred interviews were conducted to collect necessary information. Of twenty research subjects, ten were selected as the interviewees. The research findings are as followed: 1.Migration factor: The salary gap between CBA, China and SBL, Taiwan is considered the most significant factor econemically. The strong competitiveness in CBA had been drawing Taiwanese athletes to go to CBA in fulfilling the need of self actualization. In the cultural perspective, the closeness between Taiwan and China in language and culture has facilitated the exchange of recruiting informaaiton and the froming of interpsersonal network which perpetuate the migration. As the reagualtion of CBA treated Taiwanese players as the “domestic athletes”, the SBL has not done drafting an equlevent regulation. 2.Changes in migration significance: for the migrant athletes from 1999 to 2003, their migration decisions were made upon the pushing power from Taiwan, the refreshing policy in the national team and the dismissment of the CBA in Taiwan. As for those who migrated within 2007 to 2010, self-actualization and the salary increase are the main reasons affecting their migration. More and more migrant athletes nowadays think about going to countries other than China than before, meaning a more globalized culture they are facing.   In conclusion, whether to eliminate the salary gap or to seek for more cooperation than competition with CBA may be one of the options to address the problem of losing talents.



運動勞力, 跨國遷移, 中國職籃 CBA, 運動員, 籃球, sport labors, international migration, CBA China, migrant athletes, basketball





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