
dc.contributor朱 益 賢zh_TW
dc.contributorYih-Hsien Chuen_US
dc.contributor.authorWei-Min Mengen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討BOT案於營運初期組織衝突之較佳解決策略方案,並以某交通運輸公司為個案研究對象;係先從個案公司的組織氣候現況中,發現造成組織衝突的因素,進一步分析適合於組織衝突管理的策略方案後,再探討執行解決衝突方案的優先順序。 研究方法係先採文獻分析與質性的焦點團體訪談法,再使用量化的問卷,針對個案公司一般正職員工計2,853位進行普查,回收有效樣本問卷546份後,進行SPSS統計分析;藉描述性統計發現,各題項回答平均值介於3.1至4.3間,若採0.2為區間,則平均數4.1以上為較佳解決方案,其中- 一、解決數據衝突的較佳策略方案計三種,依排序分別為: (一)公司策略方向到員工個人,宜貫串、落實明確的績效指標。 (二)訂立可衡量、執行與驗證目標的方法。 (三)單位主管在訂立目標上,宜以身作則。 二、解決利益衝突的較佳策略方案計兩種,依排序分別為: (一)給予同仁清楚的學習地圖與職涯發展路徑。 (二)制度實施前,宜與同仁充份溝通。 三、解決價值衝突的較佳策略方案計三種,依排序分別為: (一)增加車站聯外交通,以更人性化做好客戶服務的工作。 (二)強化一線同仁職能,以更迅速、準確的解決客戶問題。 (三)給予線上同仁適當的權限彈性。 四、解決結構衝突的較佳策略方案計一種: (一)組織重整前,宜建立主管與員工溝通介面,以充份表達彼此意見與想法。 若再擴大區間至0.4,除涵蓋所有衝突根源外,亦增加解決方案之數量。 另在T檢定與單因子變異數分析亦分別發現: 一、性別、公司年資、任職單位與學歷背景的不同,對組織各構面之衝突皆無影響。 二、管理經驗與職等的不同,則會造成結構衝突。 三、年齡的不同,會導致利益、價值、結構衝突。 四、外部年資的不同,會造成關係衝突外的其他所有衝突。 五、職位類別的不同,會導致全面組織衝突。 綜整以上分析,研究者提供個案公司改善方向如下: 一、應儘快明確年度經營策略與目標,並從上而下落實,將訊息及時讓員工知悉。 二、需強化人資制度有關選、用、育、留的基礎建設及策略。 三、在內、外部服務面及社會公益等面向需更積極、落實參與。 四、主管間應摒除私見、互動團結,為同仁塑造正面價值觀與凝聚力。 最後建議後續研究者: 一、可延伸主題至個人基本背景的變數對解決策略方案的適用程度高低,是否有顯著差異影響? 二、焦點團體之行為觀察與分析,在資料獲取上難免受到限制,如有後續其他研究者欲進行更深入探討,或可採取普查意見方式,以獲取更多、寶貴且具建設性的組織衝突解決策略方案。 三、未來國、內外相關產業如有類似經營模式,可獲得更多、更具體的資訊與比較性研究,以期提供更具價值之組織衝突解決策略方案。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study were to discuss the more appropriate resolution to the conflicts among different business divisions at the initial operating period of a BOT. Using a public transportation company as a case study, we try to find the factors that cause the conflict among business divisions at the initial operating stage. We also try to find the appropriate managing strategy and methodology to resolve the conflicts. The priority of these resolutions will be decided as well. First, we utilized qualitative research methods to interview the focus group, and then to issue the survey to 2,853 employees of the target BOT company. 546 copies were sent back for an analysis with SPSS statistics software. According to the findings, the mean value of every answer is between 3.1 and 4.3. If we use 0.2 as an interval, then the mean value, at 4.1 or up, will be the more appropriate resolution. Among them, 1. The three appropriate resolutions to solve the data conflict are as follows, (1)There should be a clear and consistent performance target (index) from company strategy to all employees. (2)To set a method that could be measurable and implementable the target. (3)Manager of every business unit should act as a role model to set the target. 2. The two appropriate ways to solve the interest conflict are as follows, (1)To offer a clear learning map and career opportunity to all employees. (2)To communicate with employees before implementing the strategy. 3. The three appropriate resolutions to solve the value conflict are as follows, (1)To improve the transportation between the station and nearby area and serve the customers in a more humane way. (2)To improve the ability of the front line workers to provide a fast and appropriate service to customers. (3)To offer the flexibility of authorization to front line employees. 4. The one appropriate way to solve the structure conflict is as follows, (1)Before re-structuring the organization, there should be a platform for the manager and employees to fully communicate and to express opinions. If we increase the interval to 0.4, there will be more resolutions to solve the other conflicts besides the resolution to the relation conflict. Moreover, we also find the followings by T test and ANOVA analysis, 1. Factors such as gender, tenure, unit, and education background do not contribute to the organizational conflict and the conflict of every aspect. 2. Managing experience and position will cause the structure conflict. 3. Age will cause the interest, value, structure conflict. 4. Tenure will cause all conflicts except relations conflict. 5. Employees in different position will cause all conflicts. Based on the above-mentioned findings, we came out the following suggestions to improve the problem of target BOT company, 1. To set the annual operating strategy and goal clearly as soon as possible. To implement the strategy from top management to all employees and to update the information to all employees in time. 2. Strengthening the HR strategy and policy of recruitment, employment, training and retention. 3. Attending the internal, external service and public ware fare activities more aggressively. 4. Department heads should work together to create synergy and to be role model to all employees. There are some other suggestions from us to the ones, who want to do more study in the future, 1. To see if there is big difference to the effectiveness of resolutions by extending the topic to the factor of background of individual. 2. There is limitation on the data collection of the behavior and survey of the focus group. If there is someone who wants to study more details in the future, he/she could adopt census to get more sample size and more valuable and constructive resolutions to solve the organizational conflict. 3. To learn more knowledge from similar BOT cases from domestic and overseas in the future for comparison and research purpose. Trying to find out the best way to resolve the organizational conflict.en_US
dc.subjectbuilding perioden_US
dc.subjectoperating perioden_US
dc.subjectinitial period of operationen_US
dc.subjectorganizational conflicten_US
dc.subjectorganizational climateen_US
dc.subjectconflict managementen_US
dc.titleA Study on the Organizational Conflict during the Initial Operation Period of a BOT Case- Using a Public Transportation Company as Exampleen_US

