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本研究目的在探討正念教育課程對高職特教班學生在焦慮、生氣、幸福感及正念的效果,以16名高職二年級特教班學生為對象,研究方法採準實驗設計,分為學習組、對照組各8名學生,學習組接受為期8週,每週一次90分鐘的正念教育課程,對照組則按原班課程進行學習。資料分析包括量化與質性資料,量化資料以「貝克兒童及青少年量表第二版中文版之焦慮分量表」、「貝克兒童及青少年量表第二版中文版之生氣分量表」「中國人幸福感量表(極短版)」及「中文版止觀覺察注意量表」為測量工具,收集前測、第四週後測和第八週後測等分數進行分析;另收集每週課程回饋表以了解學生對正念教育課程的接受程度。質性資料收集學生訪談、教師訪談等內容進行分析,用以輔助評估課程效果。研究結果:1. 八週正念教育課程對高職特教班學生未能有焦慮、生氣、幸福感與正念的立即效果。2. 正念教育課程對高職特教班學生具質性部分正向效益:(1)培養覺察與靜心的能力,(2)減壓、放鬆,增加正向態度,(3)提升處理情緒的能力,(4)透過學習正念而貼近自己。3. 高職特教班學生能接受正念教育課程,特別結構化的課程能為學生提供對正念的基本理解和體驗。最後,提出研究相關討論、建議及限制。
The purpose of this research is to explore the efficacy of mindfulness curriculum on anxiety, anger, well-being and mindfulness of students in special classes in vocational high school. 16 second-grade students in special classes in vocational high school were invited as the participants. The research method adopted a quasi-experimental design and each of 8 students separately included in the study group and the control group. The study group received a 90-minute mindfulness education course once a week for 8 weeks, while the control group studied according to the original class.Data analysis included quantitative and qualitative data. The measurement tools are anxiety subscale and anger subscale in The Beck Youth Inventories Second Edition (BYI-II), Chinese Happiness Inventory, and Chinese translation of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, the scores of the pre-test, the fourth-week mid-test and the eighth-week post-test were collected for analysis; study also collected weekly lesson feedback forms and datum from student interviews, teacher interviews after the study to see how well students are receptive to mindfulness curriculum.Findings of the study including: 1. The eight-week mindfulness curriculum did not have immediate effects on anxiety, anger, well-being, and mindfulness among the students in special class in vocational high school. 2. The qualitative part of the positive effects of mindfulness curriculum on the students in special class in vocational high school: (1) cultivate the ability of awareness and meditation, (2) reduce stress, relax, and increase positive attitudes, (3) improve the ability to deal with emotions, (4) get close to inner-self by learning mindfulness. 3. Students in special classes in vocational high school can receive mindfulness curriculum, and the specially structured courses can provide students with a basic understanding and experience of mindfulness.Finally, research-related discussions, recommendations, and limitations are presented.
The purpose of this research is to explore the efficacy of mindfulness curriculum on anxiety, anger, well-being and mindfulness of students in special classes in vocational high school. 16 second-grade students in special classes in vocational high school were invited as the participants. The research method adopted a quasi-experimental design and each of 8 students separately included in the study group and the control group. The study group received a 90-minute mindfulness education course once a week for 8 weeks, while the control group studied according to the original class.Data analysis included quantitative and qualitative data. The measurement tools are anxiety subscale and anger subscale in The Beck Youth Inventories Second Edition (BYI-II), Chinese Happiness Inventory, and Chinese translation of Mindful Attention Awareness Scale, the scores of the pre-test, the fourth-week mid-test and the eighth-week post-test were collected for analysis; study also collected weekly lesson feedback forms and datum from student interviews, teacher interviews after the study to see how well students are receptive to mindfulness curriculum.Findings of the study including: 1. The eight-week mindfulness curriculum did not have immediate effects on anxiety, anger, well-being, and mindfulness among the students in special class in vocational high school. 2. The qualitative part of the positive effects of mindfulness curriculum on the students in special class in vocational high school: (1) cultivate the ability of awareness and meditation, (2) reduce stress, relax, and increase positive attitudes, (3) improve the ability to deal with emotions, (4) get close to inner-self by learning mindfulness. 3. Students in special classes in vocational high school can receive mindfulness curriculum, and the specially structured courses can provide students with a basic understanding and experience of mindfulness.Finally, research-related discussions, recommendations, and limitations are presented.
正念教育課程, 高職特教班, 焦慮, 生氣, 幸福感, mindfulness curriculum, students in special classes in vocational high school, anxiety, anger, well-being