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本研究旨在瞭解臺灣外派華語教師的求助行為型態和教師信念,以及臺灣 外派華語教師的教師信念、好奇心型態和求助行為型態之間的相關性。 本研究以40位赴任至不同地區的臺灣外派華語教師作為研究對象。透過「臺灣外派華語教師的求助行為問卷」為研究工具,進行調查。調查的結果再以結構方程模型(SEM,Structural Equation Modellin)進行分析,以探討研究議題。 本研究發現 一、 臺灣外派華語教師對於工具性求助行為是傾向同意的,對執行性求助 行為是傾向不同意的,由此看出:臺灣外派華語教師的求助行為是適應性 的、能促進精熟學習的。 二、 臺灣外派華語教師傾向不同意「學習主要受到天賦影響」,傾向同意 「教學應以學生為中心」,可見臺灣外派華語教師傾向非傳統式的教學信 念,以及傾向建構主義式的教學信念。 三、 「學習主要受到天賦影響」的教師信念對兩種好奇心皆呈現顯著負相 關,「教學應以學生為中心」的教師信念對 I-type 好奇心呈現顯著正相 關。I-type 好奇心對工具性求助行為呈現顯著正相關,對執行性求助行 為呈現顯著負相關。臺灣外派華語教師對 I-type 好奇心同意程度比 D-type 好奇新高,顯示內在學習興趣及增加正向的有興趣感是臺灣外派 華語教師求知性好奇心的主要來源。
This research aims to understand the help-seeking behavior and teachers' belief of the expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan. This research also investigates the relationship between teachers' belief, epistemic curiosity type and help-seeking behavior of the expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan. In this study, the forty Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan who were expatriated to various countries were the research objects. To investigate the issue, this study uses the” the questionnaire of help-seeking behavior of expatriate Mandarin Chinese teacher from Taiwan” then this study analyses the data by SEM(Structural equation modeling). This study shows: 1. The expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan tends to agree on applying instrumental help-seeking behavior and they tend to disagree on executive help-seeking behavior. Therefore the help-seeking behavior of the expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan is tend to be adaptive. It's a kind of proficiency-based learning. 2. The expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan tend to agree on “student-center teaching” and they tend to disagree on “innate ability plays the most important role in the learning of the students”. It shows that the expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan hold non-traditional and constructivist teachers' belief. 3. The teachers' belief of innate ability has significant negative correlation with two types of epistemic curiosity. The teachers' belief of student-center teaching has significant positive correlation with I-type curiosity. I-type curiosity has positive correlation with instrumental help-seeking behavior and negative correlation with executive help-seeking behavior. Furthermore the expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan agree on I-type curiosity more than D-type curiosity. It shows that the intrinsic motivation and the interest of exploration is the main source of the epistemic curiosity of the expatriate Mandarin Chinese teachers from Taiwan.



臺灣外派華語教師, 求助行為, 好奇心, 教師信念, Expatriate Mandarin Chinese teacher from Taiwan, Help-seeking behavior, Epistemic Curiosity, Teachers' belief





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