Analyzing the Effects of Knowledge Sharing on Innovation and KMS Success: A Case Study of The International Cooperation and Development Fund

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Knowledge is considered as a key organization resource and as a result its preservation has become one of the primary interests of organizations. Additionally, not only should organizations be preserving knowledge but they should also find ways to facilitate its distribution and accessibility for all organizational members by encouraging knowledge sharing. Sharing knowledge is not only important in enhancing organization innovation but is also recognized as a crucial key success factor for organization knowledge management system (KMS). As both KMS and innovation are essential to ensure organization sustainability, knowledge sharing is a must. However, knowledge sharing cannot be taken as given, organization contexts shape individuals’ knowledge sharing behavior. Therefore understanding the impact of organization contexts on knowledge sharing is essential in ensuring KMS and innovation success. This research aims to measure the effect of knowledge sharing on KMS and innovation by surveying 90 full time employees working at a Taiwanese nonprofit organization known as The International Cooperation and Development Fund (Taiwan ICDF). Partial least square and hierarchical regression analyses are used to study the direct effect and the mediating effect of knowledge sharing on KMS and innovation. The results show that organization contexts have a positive and significant effect on knowledge sharing, KMS and innovation. In addition, the findings indicate that knowledge sharing has positive effect on KMS and innovation and that knowledge sharing has a mediating effect on the relationship between organization contexts and KMS and on the relationships between organization contexts and innovation.
Knowledge is considered as a key organization resource and as a result its preservation has become one of the primary interests of organizations. Additionally, not only should organizations be preserving knowledge but they should also find ways to facilitate its distribution and accessibility for all organizational members by encouraging knowledge sharing. Sharing knowledge is not only important in enhancing organization innovation but is also recognized as a crucial key success factor for organization knowledge management system (KMS). As both KMS and innovation are essential to ensure organization sustainability, knowledge sharing is a must. However, knowledge sharing cannot be taken as given, organization contexts shape individuals’ knowledge sharing behavior. Therefore understanding the impact of organization contexts on knowledge sharing is essential in ensuring KMS and innovation success. This research aims to measure the effect of knowledge sharing on KMS and innovation by surveying 90 full time employees working at a Taiwanese nonprofit organization known as The International Cooperation and Development Fund (Taiwan ICDF). Partial least square and hierarchical regression analyses are used to study the direct effect and the mediating effect of knowledge sharing on KMS and innovation. The results show that organization contexts have a positive andsignificant effect on knowledge sharing, KMS and innovation. In addition, the findings indicate that knowledge sharing has positive effect on KMS and innovation and that knowledge sharing has a mediating effect on the relationship between organization contexts and KMS and on the relationships between organization contexts and innovation.



Nonprofit organizations, Organization context, Knowledge sharing, Innovation, KMS, Nonprofit organizations, Organization context, Knowledge sharing, Innovation, KMS





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