
dc.description.abstract本研究目的在探討北部某技術學院服務課程學生參與態度與滿意度現況。本研究兼採調查研究法及質性訪談方式進行研究,針對案例學校97學年度第2學期四技與二技日間部學生為研究對象,以分層叢集隨機抽取628人施測,回收有效問卷519份(佔83%)。 研究工具在調查方面為「服務課程學生參與態度量表」及「服務課程學生滿意度量表」,問卷內容經預試,並利用因素分析建立建構效度。服務課程學生參與態度構面包含認知、情感、行為意向等三因素;服務課程學生滿意度構面包含實施模式、學習與成長、成就與表現等三因素,各因素之Cronbach α 係數介於.82至.98間。質性訪談方面,則分學生、服務課程承辦人及被服務機構三部分進行半結構式訪談。 量化資料分別以描述統計、t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析;質性資料則是將訪談內容整理成逐字稿,抽取核心要素,再進行分析、歸納。結果發現:(1)案例學校服務課程學生在參與態度上屬同意程度,其中「情感」與「認知」層面,表現出接納與認同,然而「行為意向」層面,則呈現排斥;(2)不同性別、學制及志工服務經驗學生在服務課程參與態度上有顯著差異;(3)案例學校服務課程學生的滿意度為中等程度,但其中「學習與成長」和「成就與表現」層面是傾向不滿意;(4)不同性別、科系及學制學生在服務課程滿意度上有顯著差異;(5)被服務機構一致肯定案例學校學生的服務態度與表現,但建議案例學校能提供長期而穩定的志工來源;(6)案例學校服務課程的主要問題在缺乏反思活動、沒有完善的評量與考核方式,未規劃校內服務內容,以及人力不足。 根據以上發現,提出下列建議: 一、對現行服務課程的改善建議:(1)具體規劃學生在校內的服務內容;(2)將反思活動納入服務課程之中;(3)以多元方式加強宣導服務課程;(4)更易服務課程的考評與獎勵方式;(5)改善服務課程的資訊與登錄系統。 二、對未來服務課程變革之建議:(1)結合現行課程,納入正式學分;(2)增加人力配置,提升服務課程教育功能;(3)鼓勵系所教師結合專業,開設服務課程;(4)與社區建立夥伴關係,創造雙贏局面。 三、對學生之建議:(1)依個人專長選擇服務機構,並承擔責任;(2)進行服務反思,將服務經驗轉化為學習歷程。 四、對被服務機構之建議:(1)瞭解服務學習理念,協助推動服務學習;(2)賦予學生責任,適時提供督導與支持。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to explore students’ participative attitudes and satisfaction of the social service course at a technical college in northern Taiwan. Both survey and qualitative interview methods are used for conducting the study. This study includes students enrolled in either four-year or two-year programs at the technical college during their second semester of the academic year 2008. A sample of 628 students for questionnaire were selected by stratified/cluster random sampling;among which 519 (83%) were retrieved. Research tools used in this study are the “Participative Attitude Scale” and the “Student Satisfaction Scale.” Both questionnaires have been pre-tested and use factor analysis to establish construct validity. The three factors contributing to participative attitude are cognition, emotion, and behavioral intention while those to student satisfaction are implementation model, learning and growth, and achievement and performance. The Cronbach α of all those factors are within the range between .82 and .98. Semi-structured interviews were conducted, focusing on three different groups, namely students, course organizer(s), and the organizations to be served. Quantitative data is analyzed by means of descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. Qualitative data is analyzed and induced by first sorting the transcripts of interview so as to identify the core elements. Conclusions drew from the study include: (1) the participative attitudes of students at the technical college reveals a certain degree of agreement towards the course. It shows acceptance and recognition in terms of “emotion” and “cognition,” though repulsion in “behavioral intention;” (2) participative attitudes vary significantly among students with different genders, programs, and experiences in voluntary social service; (3) students satisfaction of the service course ranks medium, though there is an inclination towards dissatisfaction in “learning and growth” and “achievement and performance;” (4) students satisfaction also varies significantly among students with different genders, schools and programs; (5) all of the organizations to be served approve the attitudes and performances of students, but require more stable, long-term source of volunteer; (6) the main issues in the course are the lack of reflection activities and effective evaluation/assessment, no plan for service at the college, as well as short on manpower. Based on above findings, recommendations are as follows: 1. Recommendations for the improvement in current service course: (1) a pragmatic plan on student service at the college; (2) integrating reflection activities into service course; (3) promoting the service course in a diverse way; (4 ) modifying the evaluation/assessment and reward mechanism; (5) improving information and registration systems of the service course. 2. Recommendations for the reshaping of future service course: (1) incorporating the service course into credit courses; (2) increasing manpower to enhance the educational function of the service course; (3) encouraging faculty members to teach service course; (4) establishing partnership with communities to create a win-win situation. 3. Recommendations for students: (1) choosing the organization to be served based on one’s specialty as well as learning to undertake the responsibility; (2) conducting reflection, learning by serving. 4. Recommendations for organizations to be served: (1) understanding the idea of learning by serving so as to promote it; (2) delegating responsibility to students while providing them with supervision and support.en_US
dc.subjectservice courseen_US
dc.subjectparticipative attitudeen_US
dc.titleA Study of Students’ Participative Attitudes and Satisfaction of the Social Service Course at a Technical Collegein Northern Taiwanen_US

