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由於「核子科學教育」牽涉到沒有辦法讓學生親眼看到或實體碰觸到的核子科學相關物件與內涵,在面對模糊、不確定性高的專業內容,將影響核子科學教育傳達之理念,因此,以新媒介融入核子科學教育,勢必為必要手段。 本研究期藉擴增實境(augmented reality, AR)導入「核子科學生活與安全課程」中,以完成學習系統之開發,為達研究目的,以台北市松山家商二年級學生為研究對象,透過問卷設計來量測使用者對於此學習系統的接受度,同時,更進一步探討不同認知風格(Cognitive Style)與電腦態度(Computer Attitude)的學生,對於其接受度之影響關係,以作為未來建構此類學習系統設計與運用之參考依據。根據研究背景與動機,其研究結果如下: 一、高職學生對於此擴增實境學習系統具有良好的接受度。 二、高職學生電腦態度與認知風格兩自變項在接受度之交互作用未達顯著關係。 三、不同電腦態度的高職學生對於此擴增實境學習系統之接受度有顯著差異。 四、不同認知風格的高職學生對於此擴增實境學習系統之接受度有顯著差異。 五、高職學生電腦態度與認知風格兩自變項在接受度(外顯行為構面)之交互作用未達顯著關係。 六、不同電腦態度的高職學生對於此擴增實境學習系統之接受度(外顯行為構面)有顯著差異。 七、不同認知風格的高職學生對於此擴增實境學習系統之接受度(外顯行為構面)沒有顯著差異。 八、高職學生電腦態度與認知風格兩自變項在接受度(內在感受構面)之交互作用未達顯著關係。 九、不同電腦態度的高職學生對於此擴增實境學習系統之接受度(內在感受構面)有顯著差異。 十、不同認知風格的高職學生對於此擴增實境學習系統之接受度(內在感受構面)有顯著差異。
Science education have a high degree ambiguity and uncertainty, it will affect the effectiveness of teaching and learning, therefore, use new media technologies into the various disciplines of teaching, perhaps it will achieve better learning outcomes. The study use augmented reality into " Nuclear Science Life and Safety courses " in order to complete the development of learning system. For the purpose of study, develop the Augmented Reality learning system ,and the samples are Song Shan High School of Commerce and Home Economics students. Through questionnaire designed to measure the user acceptance to this system,furthermore explore the effect of acceptance on cognitive style and computer attitude to Augmented Reality learning system. Based on the background and motivation, its findings are as follows: 1.Vocational students have good acceptance to Augmented Reality learning system. 2.Vocational students' computer attitudes and cognitive style have no significant interaction below the acceptance to Augmented Reality learning system. 3.There are significant differences between different computer attitude of vocational students to the acceptance to Augmented Reality learning system. 4.There are significant differences between different cognitive style of vocational students on the acceptance to Augmented Reality learning system. 5.Vocational students' computer attitudes and cognitive style have no significant interaction below the acceptance(Overt behavior) to Augmented Reality learning system. 6.There are significant differences between different computer attitude of vocational students on the acceptance(Overt behavior) to Augmented Reality learning system. 7.There are no significant differences between different cognitive style of vocational students on the acceptance(Overt behavior) to Augmented Reality learning system. 8.Vocational students' computer attitudes and cognitive style have no significant interaction below the acceptance(internal feelings) to Augmented Reality learning system. 9.There are significant differences between different computer attitude of vocational students on the acceptance(internal feelings) to Augmented Reality learning system. 10.There are significant differences between different cognitive style of vocational students on the acceptance(internal feelings) to Augmented Reality learning system.



擴增實境, 科學教育, 核子科學, 認知風格, 電腦態度, 接受度, augmented reality, science education, nuclear science, cognitive style, computer attitude, acceptance





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