

身為清代初期,揚州地區的界畫翹楚,袁江及其後繼者袁耀的界畫作品,在界畫史的發展上,標誌了一個嶄新的里程碑。 揚州地區因其特殊的地域特性,在繪畫發展上呈現豐富多元的面貌。在特殊的地域背景與畫場氛圍以及贊助者品味等種種因素的激盪下,造就了袁派作品細緻嚴謹卻又大膽創造的特性,為復古與創新風格共治於一爐的結晶。 袁江與袁耀的界畫作品,以其工整細緻的建築、扭曲變形的山體和大膽創新的構圖為主要特徵。本論文探討的核心,在於其界畫作品所呈現的空間安排,以及在精心營構的空間下所傳遞的主題氛圍。 為因應贊助者的大量需求,袁江、袁耀大量的界畫作品在風格表現上有類型化的趨勢,許多相同的主題並一再地重覆出現。依據主題的類別,可初步分為三個類型,分別為:園林名勝、幻想的樓閣、藉文人詩句成畫的詩意及吉慶之作。 二袁的園林名勝作品,多強調其寫實性質,畫家並透過園林景致的取捨與添加,傳達個人對於畫面構成上的自由意志。幻想式的樓閣作品,則多是以壯麗的特定歷史、神話建築物為主題的大尺寸作品,此類的作品多描繪歷史記載與神話傳說中的巍峨殿宇,並以仙境般的景致相襯,構築出嶄新的奇幻空間。此外,袁江、袁耀尚有一類的作品,專於描繪唐人詩句,除了維持一貫的手法,取材嚴峻或聳峙的山體為背景,並在基本的組合中融入自身對於詩題的體會,並增添一些詩文中的元素,使得作品更具文學意境。 透過畫作主題與空間的聯繫,觀者得以窺知作者於畫面構成的著力之處,並得以進一步體會袁江袁耀於界畫發展上的特殊成就。
Among the best ruled-line painting painters in Yangzhou in early Ching dynasty, Yauan Jiang and his successor, Yuan Yaou, marked a whole new milestone in the development of ruled-line painting. Due to its unique environmental characteristics, Yangzhou had plentiful dievesification in the development of painting. Under the influences of the characteristics of the district and the patronage's taste, ruled-line apintings of the Yuan school were detailed, confident and original. These paintings were the results of the integration of ancient and new styles. The main features of the paintings of Yuan Jiang and Yuan Yaou are the fidelity to the architectural construction of buildings, the deformed mountaions, and the new pictorial composition. The aim of this thesis is to discuss the spacial arrangement of these paintings and the mood that they convey. Yuan Jiang and Yuan Yaou had produced a large number of ruled-line paintings in order to meet the great demand of the patronages. These works can be classified into several styles, and the painters tend to returen to many of the themes over and over again. According to their themes, most of all paintings can be classified into three categories, namely the paintings of gardens and scenic spots, of fantasy architectures, and of poetry and auspicious occasions. The Yuans' paintings of gardens and beauty spots always stress on the reality. In ways of including or excluding the motifs of the scenery into their works, their purpose can be found in the general appearance of a picture. The fancy architectureal paintings are the big size works of magnificent palace from history and fairy tales. The combination of magnificent palace with the fairyland creates a new fancy space. Moreover, Yuan Jiang and Yuan Yaou created great works based on the poetry of the Tang dynasty. In these works, the painters not only depicted lofty mountains but also incorporated their appreciation of the poetry in the paintings. Through the association between the theme and the space of these paintings, the viewer can explore the excellence of Yuan Jiang and Yuan Yaou in pictorial arrangement, and go a step further to comprehend the painter's particular achievement in the history of ruled-line painting.



袁江, 袁耀, 界畫, 揚州, Yuan Jiang, Yuan Yaou, ruled-line painting, Yangzhou





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