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關於BL(Boy’s Love)這類由女性創作給女性的作品,在當代的社會中不但提供了打破傳統體制下的論述空間,同時也提供對於性、情慾的釋放有更多可能性的展現。而當BL作品運用聲音戲劇的呈現方式,似乎加強了BL文本中的情慾展現,激起聽眾的腦內妄想。以往對於BL的閱聽人相關研究,多半討論閱聽人如何接費與接收平面創作或者影視相關這類,具有明確視覺意象的BL文本,甚少討論聽眾如何接收BL文化中的聲音傳播,像BL廣播劇的相關研究十分少見,且對於聽眾的論述並不完善。而本研究將從跨國面向討論在台灣的BL廣播劇聽眾,以日本與中國兩地創作的BL廣播劇為主,提供不同面向的BL聽覺文化的論述。為了能深入了解台灣的BL廣播劇聽眾,本研究將以深度、非結構是訪談模式,與8位聆聽經驗有超過1年以上的BL廣播劇聽眾進行訪談。本研究將先探討誰是BL廣播劇聽眾,並進一步窺探這群聽眾的個人聆聽經驗,如何接收日本與中國兩地創作的BL廣播劇、BL廣播劇為這群聽眾提供的愉悅感以及其背後意義。意圖探究聽眾對於BL廣播劇中的聲音呈現是如何解讀與接收,以及聽眾們產生的情慾流動又會如何展現。研究發現,BL廣播劇的聽眾們不存在「不腐但卻又聽BL廣播劇」的情況,也就意味著BL廣播劇的聽眾們皆具備「腐眾」的身份。再者,台灣的聽眾們相當仰賴網路媒介下載的聆聽資源,無論是日本BL廣播劇還是BL廣播劇,便利的傳播科技運用十分關鍵。另外,這群BL廣播劇聽眾在聆聽的愉悅感來自於:(1) 好聽的男性聲音、(2)男性的嬌喘聲、(3) 通過背景音效,設計出來的性愛場景音,三種聲音堆疊起來所產生的「聲音情色」,成功的讓聽者腦內產生「妄想」。BL廣播劇運用聲音增添故事內涵與厚度,加深腐眾對角色間的互動產生遐想、提供情慾釋放的快樂泉源。
Boy’s Love (BL) audience research has usually been focused on visual imagery, such as YAOI comics, novels, and games. Few studies had discussed how audience receives acoustic propagation among BL cultures. Therefore, the relevant research about BL audio dramas is quite rare, and the discussion of the audience is not thorough.This study probed into Taiwanese BL audio drama audiences from a cross-national perspective and focus on BL audio dramas which are created in Japan and China to discuss multidirectional BL auditory culture. To gain a deeper understanding of BL audio drama audiences in Taiwan, this study has been conducted to interview and analyze the behaviors of 8 listeners who have BL audio drama listening experience more than one year.This study explored (1) who are the listeners of BL audio drama, (2) the personal listening experience to Japanese’s or Chinese BL audio dramas, (3) the pleasure provided by BL audio dramas to Taiwanese audience and the meaning behind it, (4) how listeners interpret and receive the audio presentation in BL audio dramas, and (5) how the erotic flow generated by the listeners will be displayed.After analyzing the interview data, the study would present that Taiwanese audience who constantly listen Japanese or Chinese BL audio dramas are only “fujoshi”. In addition, the convenience to communication technology plays an important role in not only Japanese but also Chinese BL audio dramas. Moreover, the pleasure of listening to BL audio dramas listeners comes from: (1) nice male voices, (2) male moan, (3) sex scene sounds which are designed through sound effects. The “Voice Porn” was produced by the three sounds successfully to generate “fantasies” in the listener's mind. The BL audio dramas used sound to establish the connotation and thickness of the story, deepening the rogue audiences’ reveries about the interaction between the characters, and facilitated bliss and gratification.
Boy’s Love (BL) audience research has usually been focused on visual imagery, such as YAOI comics, novels, and games. Few studies had discussed how audience receives acoustic propagation among BL cultures. Therefore, the relevant research about BL audio dramas is quite rare, and the discussion of the audience is not thorough.This study probed into Taiwanese BL audio drama audiences from a cross-national perspective and focus on BL audio dramas which are created in Japan and China to discuss multidirectional BL auditory culture. To gain a deeper understanding of BL audio drama audiences in Taiwan, this study has been conducted to interview and analyze the behaviors of 8 listeners who have BL audio drama listening experience more than one year.This study explored (1) who are the listeners of BL audio drama, (2) the personal listening experience to Japanese’s or Chinese BL audio dramas, (3) the pleasure provided by BL audio dramas to Taiwanese audience and the meaning behind it, (4) how listeners interpret and receive the audio presentation in BL audio dramas, and (5) how the erotic flow generated by the listeners will be displayed.After analyzing the interview data, the study would present that Taiwanese audience who constantly listen Japanese or Chinese BL audio dramas are only “fujoshi”. In addition, the convenience to communication technology plays an important role in not only Japanese but also Chinese BL audio dramas. Moreover, the pleasure of listening to BL audio dramas listeners comes from: (1) nice male voices, (2) male moan, (3) sex scene sounds which are designed through sound effects. The “Voice Porn” was produced by the three sounds successfully to generate “fantasies” in the listener's mind. The BL audio dramas used sound to establish the connotation and thickness of the story, deepening the rogue audiences’ reveries about the interaction between the characters, and facilitated bliss and gratification.
腐眾, 聲音情色, 日本BL廣播劇, 中國BL廣播劇, Fujoshi, Voice Porn, Japanese BL audio drama, Chinese BL audio drama