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Purpose: The objects of this study were to: (1) analyze the outcome of the vocational evaluation(VE) services provided by the Vocational Rehabilitation Service Center-Sanchong, New Taipei City; (2) explore the applications for the VE services in this center; (3) discuss the opinions among professionals on the implantation and application of practicing VE. Method: Based on the perspective of constructivist phenomenology, document analysis of the content analysis method and questionnaire and interview techniques of survey research are employed for this study. Participants included consumers of VE services provided by the Vocational Rehabilitation Service Center-Sanchong, New Taipei City or their families, rehabilitation counselors, job coaches, and vocational evaluators. Documentaries from 70 cases received VE services in 2018 are analyzed. Among those, 21 VE reports were selected to review in depth considering factors on types of disabilities, different vocational evaluators, etc.. Results: In terms of VE services outcome, identifying career development and the impairment and disabilities to employment of an individual are the major purposes to consumers. Assessment needs for sheltered employment, clarifying employment strength and weakness to consumers and families, job placement decision making, recommendation to types of employment and support strategies, evaluating specific function and vocational capacity and exporing issues and difficulties of those failure to require and maintain jobs are the purpose of referral. Evaluating consumer’s impairment and disabilities to employment and job skills were implanted mostly in VE process. Interview, standardized testing, and community-based assessment were the main approaches used. Situational assessment was rarely used due to limitations in designing certain condition in the real work environment. The average of total service hour was 38.03 hours in which standardized testing was the highest (6.61 hours in average) followed by community-based assessment (5.42 hours in average). In the satisfaction survey, more than 90% of consumers and rehabilitation counselors were satisfied in VE services after case closed. In a 5-point scale, the average point was 4.33 to 4.73 among the consumers whereas 4.77 to 4.84 was rated by rehabilitation counselors. 78.6% of the consumers’ job placement outcomes agreed with VE outcome by the time after 6 months of case closed. 68.4% still met after a period of time. Most consumers, vocational counselors, job coaches stated that the results of VE were helpful, appropriate and practicable. 77.2 % of the consumers stated that vocational rehabilitation service providers offered services in accordance with the evaluation results. Suggestions to job placement were applied by 82.6% of the rehabilitation counselor. The contents of reports were utilized by 95.7% of rehabilitation counselors and 87.2% of job coaches. Suggestions for facilitating employment and applying VE results from different perspectives include: 1.Consumers or families: a) consumers could develop hopes and motivation toward work. b) consumers could have job experience and increase self-awareness. c) the evaluation results met expectations and the VE meeting could facilitate agreement for the placement process. d) the job placement and time consuming for job vacancy was individualized. 2.Rehabilitation counselors: a) vocational counselors could have deep understanding of VE. b) the referral staff supported consumers transit to vocational rehabilitation services. c) The VE results provided important information about consumers for rehabilitation counselors. d) consumers and service providers could develop agreement and implement on job placement through VE meeting. 3.Job coaches: Discussion between job coaches and supervisors regarding consumer’s employment strength, appropriate placement and support strategies were factors to facilitate employment outcome. 4.Vocational evaluators: job vacancy in sheltered employment impacted time consuming on waiting for employment. Conclusions: Implications from this study including: 1.VE services: a) provide VE services with career perspective and supporting consumers to explore individualized career goals. b) evaluate the capacity of consumers and their families on implying VE results. Concrete and practicable suggestions should be provided. 2.Boosting application of VE: a) improve vocational evaluator’s awareness of competitive job market and job vacancies. b) vocational rehabilitation professionals are suggested working as a team and providing services proactively. 3.Practice and policy: a) update and expand evaluation resources regularly. b) continuously improve vocational evaluators’ professional and administrative competency. c) strengthen case management and quality of VE service.
Purpose: The objects of this study were to: (1) analyze the outcome of the vocational evaluation(VE) services provided by the Vocational Rehabilitation Service Center-Sanchong, New Taipei City; (2) explore the applications for the VE services in this center; (3) discuss the opinions among professionals on the implantation and application of practicing VE. Method: Based on the perspective of constructivist phenomenology, document analysis of the content analysis method and questionnaire and interview techniques of survey research are employed for this study. Participants included consumers of VE services provided by the Vocational Rehabilitation Service Center-Sanchong, New Taipei City or their families, rehabilitation counselors, job coaches, and vocational evaluators. Documentaries from 70 cases received VE services in 2018 are analyzed. Among those, 21 VE reports were selected to review in depth considering factors on types of disabilities, different vocational evaluators, etc.. Results: In terms of VE services outcome, identifying career development and the impairment and disabilities to employment of an individual are the major purposes to consumers. Assessment needs for sheltered employment, clarifying employment strength and weakness to consumers and families, job placement decision making, recommendation to types of employment and support strategies, evaluating specific function and vocational capacity and exporing issues and difficulties of those failure to require and maintain jobs are the purpose of referral. Evaluating consumer’s impairment and disabilities to employment and job skills were implanted mostly in VE process. Interview, standardized testing, and community-based assessment were the main approaches used. Situational assessment was rarely used due to limitations in designing certain condition in the real work environment. The average of total service hour was 38.03 hours in which standardized testing was the highest (6.61 hours in average) followed by community-based assessment (5.42 hours in average). In the satisfaction survey, more than 90% of consumers and rehabilitation counselors were satisfied in VE services after case closed. In a 5-point scale, the average point was 4.33 to 4.73 among the consumers whereas 4.77 to 4.84 was rated by rehabilitation counselors. 78.6% of the consumers’ job placement outcomes agreed with VE outcome by the time after 6 months of case closed. 68.4% still met after a period of time. Most consumers, vocational counselors, job coaches stated that the results of VE were helpful, appropriate and practicable. 77.2 % of the consumers stated that vocational rehabilitation service providers offered services in accordance with the evaluation results. Suggestions to job placement were applied by 82.6% of the rehabilitation counselor. The contents of reports were utilized by 95.7% of rehabilitation counselors and 87.2% of job coaches. Suggestions for facilitating employment and applying VE results from different perspectives include: 1.Consumers or families: a) consumers could develop hopes and motivation toward work. b) consumers could have job experience and increase self-awareness. c) the evaluation results met expectations and the VE meeting could facilitate agreement for the placement process. d) the job placement and time consuming for job vacancy was individualized. 2.Rehabilitation counselors: a) vocational counselors could have deep understanding of VE. b) the referral staff supported consumers transit to vocational rehabilitation services. c) The VE results provided important information about consumers for rehabilitation counselors. d) consumers and service providers could develop agreement and implement on job placement through VE meeting. 3.Job coaches: Discussion between job coaches and supervisors regarding consumer’s employment strength, appropriate placement and support strategies were factors to facilitate employment outcome. 4.Vocational evaluators: job vacancy in sheltered employment impacted time consuming on waiting for employment. Conclusions: Implications from this study including: 1.VE services: a) provide VE services with career perspective and supporting consumers to explore individualized career goals. b) evaluate the capacity of consumers and their families on implying VE results. Concrete and practicable suggestions should be provided. 2.Boosting application of VE: a) improve vocational evaluator’s awareness of competitive job market and job vacancies. b) vocational rehabilitation professionals are suggested working as a team and providing services proactively. 3.Practice and policy: a) update and expand evaluation resources regularly. b) continuously improve vocational evaluators’ professional and administrative competency. c) strengthen case management and quality of VE service.
職業輔導評量, 新北市三重區職重建服務中心, 職業重建, 現象學, Vocational Evaluation, Vocational Rehabilitation Service Center in New Taipei City (Sanchong District), Vocational Rehabilitation, Phenomenology