高關懷學生在個人與社會責任模式之 敘說探究-以獨輪車學習為例

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近來Don Hellison的個人與社會責任模式成為新興體育課程模式,研究發現能改善青少年責任感、尊重與幫助他人的良善美德。由於研究者本身為教師兼任生教組長,頻繁接觸校園裡高關懷學生,為此,擬使用此模式融入高關懷班開設之獨輪車教學活動,透過高關懷學生的學習經驗敘說,藉以培養與提升高關懷學生的個人與社會責任層級。目的:瞭解高關懷學生透過以TPSRM融入獨輪車學習的責任層級轉變,並進一步探究獨輪車帶給高關懷學生的影響為何?方法:採用敘說探究,透過TPSRM融入獨輪車教學活動,歷經十四堂課之錄影觀察、開放性訪談、教師日誌,資料蒐集與內容分析。研究結果:一、高關懷學生的學習態度與責任層級之改變。二、高關懷學生正向的學習經驗較有所增加。三、高關懷學生的學習經驗歷程從空洞到充實。最後,針對上述結果進行研究者在職場上的省思與建議。 關
Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model (TPSRM) has been developed for improving adolescents’ responsibility and self-efficacy through physical activities and/or through physical education. Being a junior high school teacher and taking charge of the Life Education Department, the researcher frequently dealed with the at-risk students in campus. Therefore, TPSRM was applied to unicycle learning courses designed for the at-risk students in order to improve their personal and social responsibility levels through their learning experience. The aims of the study were 1) to identify how the at-risk students showed their responsibility through TPSRM into their unicycle learning, 2) to characterise the learning impacts of the at-risk students’ unicycle experiences. Narrative inquiry approach was the method of the study. Three at-risk students were invited as participants; TPSRM was intergrated into the unicycle courses. Data were collected and analyzed from the observation of 14-unicycle learning-class video-taping, open interviews with the participants, and the teacher’s teaching diary. Results showed that 1) the learning attitude and responsibility level of the highly-concerned students were changed; 2) the at-risk students’ learning experience was different; 3) the at-risk students’ learning experience was enriched by TPSRM. Issues for physical education in the workplace were suggested at the last part of this study.  



高關懷學生, 個人與社會責任, 獨輪車, 敘說探究, at-risk students, narrative inquiry, TPSRM, Unicycle





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