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  位於台灣西南沿海一帶的台南北門,區域內原來是以漁業、鹽業為主要的經濟活動,近年來雲嘉南濱海國家風景區的設置後在北門著手相關的觀光景點建設,並且積極輔導區域內觀光產業的發展,在2014年以白色雲嘉南為主題所設置的水晶教堂打響北門的知名度,遊客遠近馳來,觀光就此成為人們認識北門的一項途徑。   本研究主張人-地、人-人、地-地三種地理學關注的焦點是認識區域發展的重要依據。因此針對北門的觀光發展,本研究目的如下:以結構化觀點勾勒出北門觀光發展的動態歷程、分析各階段結構因素及能動因素之作用、以及兩股作用力之間的相互作用情形。   研究結果顯示,北門的觀光發展並非在雲嘉南濱海國家風景區設置後才出現,而是在解嚴後台灣整體的社會氛圍及發展脈絡下逐步萌芽,且受到鄰近七股濱南工業區開發案抗議行動影響,而發展出的體驗式休閒之啟發。最早在北門出現推行觀光的組織是台南縣生態旅遊發展協會,在地居民透過反身性思考,以當地的自然環境資源作為觀光發展的基礎,規劃出體驗式的遊憩活動;其次,台南縣政府在北門執行的城鄉新風貌計畫,則改善北門區域間的硬體設備及景觀;而作用力最大的,則是在雲嘉南濱海國家風景區設置後,雖然對北門帶來觀光發展資源外,卻也制約區域內的發展方向。   在不同觀光發展階段之中,結構因素主要是在特定時空背景之下出現的政策或者政府組織,對於區域的發展注入資源與規則;能動者的部分則是多以在地商家、居民、組織為主,透過自身的反身性思考與結構互相作用,而北門的社會也在其長期作用之下調和成現今的模樣。
  The thesis focuses on how tourism development has impacted the Beiman District of Tainan City. With a structural perspective, this study analyzes how structural plans and projects made a change on regional geography and development of Beiman.   This study is based mainly upon literature review, field observation and interviews. The study found that Beiman’s tourism started in 2001 with locally organized eco-experiencing activities which was a direct replica of a surrounding town Chi-ku’s ecological tourist activity. Furthermore, the fact that Tainan government tried to reform the district’s environmental landscape through a Townscape Renaissance Project was also important to the local regional change. In 2003 when the Southwest Coast National Scenic Area wasestablished with its administrative center located in Beiman, Beiman started to experience tremendous tourist development. It was a turning point for Beiman’s regional change and development.   Government policies and funding provide resources for change. Structural elements are indeed significant for regional change. In addition, the main local agencies, including local stores, residents, a local elementary school, and non-profit social organizations, are in fact crucial for the regional change. With reflective thinking, the local agencies play a big role in shaping how Beiman should be. Therefore, a perspective of new regional geography in analyzing the region of Beiman is utilized and analyzed to understand the process of regional change.



觀光發展, 區域變遷, 新區域地理學, 結構化歷程, 台南北門, tourism development, regional development, new regional geography, structuration and Beiman District of Tainan





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