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Department of Life Science, NTNU
Department of Life Science, NTNU
離體之九孔螺血液細胞會伸出偽足,當觸及適當的基質如玻璃或塑膠,就會進行附著反應;若觸及其他血液細胞,就會凝集形成細胞團,細胞團外圍細胞在觸及玻璃或塑膠後,亦會伸出偽足進行附著反應,接著細胞會行變形蟲運動,呈輻射狀向外遷移。九孔螺血液細胞經外形分類,至少可區分為三種:單核球(細胞核呈圓形、橢圓形或馬蹄形且染色較淡)、淋巴球(細胞核呈圓形、染色較深且核質比小於一)及一群完全不伸出偽足的細胞。依細胞比重分離實驗的結果,只形成一條細胞帶,其中的細胞依外形區分皆屬單核球。依本實驗結果,單核球是唯一具有吞噬能力的細胞。九孔螺血液細胞的附著及,疑集能力會受到低溫(4℃)、咖啡因 (20 mM)及EDTA(50 mM)的抑制,然而在高張液(1100及1200 mOsm)或低張液(800及900 mOsm)中卻不受影響。
The bled abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) hemocytes protruded their pseudopodia and became flatten within one minute at 25°C In Vitro. When the hemocytes contacted each other before attached matrix like polystyrene or glass. the cell aggregation reaction Was happened first. After touching matrix. cells adhered, extent their pseudopodia, and then radically migrated outward the cell clump. Three types of abalone hemocytes were morphologically distinguished: monocyte-like cells. lymphocyte-like cells (nuclear to cytoplasm ratio close to I). and sphcrical cells. By using Percoll gradient centrifugation, only one band of hemocytcs was seen from caffeine-treated hemocyte samples. All cells in the cell population were monocyte-like cclls. which was the only subpopulation deal with phagocytosis in this study. Both the hemocyte aggrcgation and adhesion behaviors was affected by low temperature (4°C). caffeine (20 mM). EDTA (50 mM), but not by hypertonic (1100 or 1200 mOsm) or hypotonic (800 or 900 mOsm) conditions.
The bled abalone (Haliotis diversicolor) hemocytes protruded their pseudopodia and became flatten within one minute at 25°C In Vitro. When the hemocytes contacted each other before attached matrix like polystyrene or glass. the cell aggregation reaction Was happened first. After touching matrix. cells adhered, extent their pseudopodia, and then radically migrated outward the cell clump. Three types of abalone hemocytes were morphologically distinguished: monocyte-like cells. lymphocyte-like cells (nuclear to cytoplasm ratio close to I). and sphcrical cells. By using Percoll gradient centrifugation, only one band of hemocytcs was seen from caffeine-treated hemocyte samples. All cells in the cell population were monocyte-like cclls. which was the only subpopulation deal with phagocytosis in this study. Both the hemocyte aggrcgation and adhesion behaviors was affected by low temperature (4°C). caffeine (20 mM). EDTA (50 mM), but not by hypertonic (1100 or 1200 mOsm) or hypotonic (800 or 900 mOsm) conditions.