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螢幕觀看行為是新興的久坐行為,而久坐行為是影響高齡者健康的重要因素之一,國內鮮少有研究螢幕觀看行為的關聯因素。本研究根據久坐生態學模式,探討客觀環境因素與高齡者螢幕觀看行為之關聯性。本研究採取橫斷性調查法與客觀地理資訊進行資料蒐集。調查法以分層隨機抽樣,搭配電腦輔助電話訪問,選取 1,068 位中華民國境內之 65 歲以上居住人口,蒐集社會人口學背景資料、每日螢幕觀看時間。客觀環境因素方面,由政府機構取得相關圖資與數值,並運用地理資訊系統計算出村里內之人口密度、路口密度、人行道面積、目的地數量、休閒目的地數量、用途目的地數量、大眾運輸站點。以二元邏輯斯迴歸計算出勝算比,以了解客觀環境因素與螢幕觀看行為之風險、高危險族群。所得結果如下:一、高齡者平均每日花費 2.72 小時於螢幕觀看行為,有 63.3%的高齡者平均每日從事兩小時以上的螢幕觀看行為。二、年齡較低、無全職工作、教育程度較高、居住在北部地區的高齡者,有較高的風險從事每日兩小時以上螢幕觀看行為。三、居住於「高人口密度」、「高路口密度」、「高人行道面積」、「高目的地數量」、「高用途目的地數量」、「高大眾運輸站點」之村里當中的高齡者,有較高的風險從事每日兩小時以上的螢幕觀看行為。客觀環境因素與高齡者過量螢幕觀看行為有相關,欲減少高齡者螢幕觀看之介入措施宜考量不同社會人口學特性與客觀環境特性。未來針對客觀環境因素與其他久坐行為之間的關係還有待更多研究進一步驗證。
Screen-based sedentary behavior is emerging, which is a critical risk factor for older adults’ health. Only limited research has been conducted to determine the environmental factors associated with screen time in Taiwan. Based on ecological model of sedentary behaviors, this study examined associations of objectively measured environmental attributes with screen time. Computer-assisted telephone interviewing was used in the survey. The self-report data (socio-demography, screen time) were collected from 1,068 adults aged over 65 years in Taiwan. Geographic Information Systems (GIS)-derived built environment attributes (population density, street connectivity, sidewalk availability, access to destinations) within village were provided by governmental department. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed. The results were as follows: a. Older adults spent 2.72 hours per day in screen-viewing. 63.3% of older adults spent over 2 hours per day in screen-viewing. b. Older adults who were younger, no full-time job, graduated from college, lived in northern Taiwan were more likely to report over 2 hours screen time per day. c. Older adults lived in village with attributes previously found to be associated with more walking (higher population density, street connectivity, sidewalk availability, access to destinations) were more likely to report over 2 hours screen time per day . These finding suggest that objectively-measured environmental factors associated with excessive screen time. Interventions for reducing screen time among older adults should focus on distinct socio-demographic and objective neighborhood environment factors.



久坐行為, 螢幕觀看, 客觀環境, 地理資訊系統, 老年人, sedentary behavior, screen time, objective environment, GIS, older adults





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