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本研究旨在探討臺北地區國、高中公民科教師對於日本理財教育課程綱要的差異情形與層級分析。本研究以問卷調查法,以日本金融公關中央資訊委員會於2015年制訂的《學校的理財教育年齡層目標》為依據設計問卷,針對臺北市、新北市的國、高中公民科教師做差異性分析以及層級分析研究。 本研究結論如下: 一、 性別、修習財經相關課程數量在部分日本理財課程綱要之理財主題之重要性排序達顯著差異,但任教階段和教授理財課程興趣則未達顯著差異。 二、 臺北地區國、高中公民科教師對日本理財教育課程綱要的四大主題重要性排序分別為「生活規劃與家計管理」、「消費生活與預防財務困境」、「生涯教育」、「金融與經濟結構」。 三、 臺北地區國、高中公民科教師對日本理財教育課程綱要整體學習目標的重要性排序,國中教師認為整體學習目標較重要的前五名為「了解消費者的權利與責任,並培養從日常生活中活用的態度」、「了解並培養消費者應有的基礎知識與態度」、「了解工作的意義和金錢的價值」、「習得蒐集日常消費資訊的能力並正確使用之」,以及「了解儲蓄的意義,並養成儲蓄習慣」;高中教師認為的前五名則是「了解並培養消費者應有的基礎知識與態度」、「習得蒐集日常消費資訊的能力並正確使用之」、「了解消費者的權利與責任,並培養從日常生活中活用的態度」、「了解消費糾紛之原因,並能在日常生活中思考金錢使用的方法」以及「學會實現自己所立夢想的方法,與面對現實該如何努力的態度」。
The purpose of this study is to explore the priority of financial education curriculum guideline between the junior and senior high school civics teachers in Taipei City and New Taipei City. Based on the “2015 Financial Education Goals by Age Group from Primary School through High School” set by Central Council for Financial Services Information in Japan, the research adopted questionnaire surveys to analyze the differences in the priority of financial education curriculum guidelines between junior and senior high school Civics teachers with different backgrounds and to further explore junior and senior high school Civics teachers’ opinions on the priority of the importance of the four themes and curriculum standards in the financial education curriculum guidelines by AHP method. The conclusions are as follows : 1. The background variables of junior and senior high school Civics teachers like gender and the number of different financial management courses, have significant differences on some of four themes of Japan financial education curriculum guideline; while others like teaching period and interest in teaching financial management are no significant difference. 2. Junior and senior high school Civics teachers’ opinions on the priority of the importance of four themes in the Japan financial education curriculumguidelines is decided in the following order: “Financial life planning and household expense management”, “Rights of and risks to consumers and prevention of financial trouble”, “Career education” and “Mechanisms of finance and economy”. 3. Junior and senior high school Civics teachers’ opinions on the priority of the importance of all goals in the Japan financial education curriculum guidelines ranked as follows: The top five of goals of junior high school Civics teachers are “Understanding consumers' rights and responsibilities, and acquiring the attitude to make use of such knowledge.”, “Acquiring the basic knowledge and the attitude to act as a self-reliant consumer.”, “Understanding the significance of work and the value of money.”, “Acquiring the skills to gather information about one's everyday consumption, and use it appropriately.”, and “Understanding the significance of savings, and acquiring the habit of saving.”. The top five of goals of senior high school Civics teachers are “Acquiring the basic knowledge and the attitude to act as a self-reliant consumer.”, “Acquiring the skills to gather information about one's everyday consumption, and use it appropriately.”, “Understanding consumers' rights and responsibilities, and acquiring the attitude to make use of such knowledge.”, “Understanding the causes of consumer trouble, and being able to think daily about the way to handle money.”, and “Having dreams, as well as thinking of ways and acquiring the attitude to make efforts toward their realization.”.



理財教育, 層級分析法, 日本理財教育課程綱要, Financial Education, Analytic Hierarchy Process, Japan Financial Education Curriculum Guideline





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