ICCS 2009 認知測驗與我國相關中學學生公民教育學習成就評量之比較
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Yuh-Haw Teng
Mei-Yun Huang
Xiu-Lan Dong
Chia-Fan Lin
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Office of Teacher Education and Careers Service
Office of Teacher Education and Careers Service
2009 年我國參與了國際教育成就調童委員會(lE A) 之「國際公民教育與素養調查研究J (ICCS' 2009) 。此次受測學生有5167人,是國內近年大型的跨國研究之一。本文試就ICCS 2009認知測驗的評量性質、評量祭構和試題形式進行探討,並以之與國內之圈中基本學力測驗和壘灣學習成就評量資料庫(TASA) 公民試題進行比較研究。首先,根攝評量性質比較,三者皆為橫斷面的評量,但ICCS是一種國際性比較測驗,而基測則為升學導向的常棋參照評量,TASA則是強調學習成就之趨勢分析;其次是評量無構比較,三者皆分成知識面向和認知面向,惟其間仍存在著差異,ICCS是以公民教育為主軸,知識內容色含了公民社會和體卑、公民原則、公民參與與公民認同四個構面,至於基測和TASA是以社會學習領域課綱為範疇;再就試題分析來比較'ICCS之題型分為選擇題和開放式問答題,評量層次頗高,而基測和TASA仍侷限於選擇題形式,因此基測和TASA的發展可以ICCS作借鏡。 最後,根噱研究結果,依攝ICCS的評量性質、評量無構和試題形式,對於圍內的評量,提出了公民知識內涵再充實、評量方式再調整和發展長期追蹤評量等三項建議,期待查灣能發展出客觀、具有風發性的評量方式,以增進評量效籠,並有效因應全球化時代快速雙邊的教育改革需求。
In 2009, Taiwan participated in the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study ( ICCS) , conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (lEA) . With 5,167 students tested, it was one of the largest international surveys carried out in Taiwan in recent years. This article aims to investigate the nature of assessment, assessment framework , and test item types of the ICCS and conduct a comparative analysis with the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students (BCT) and Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) . Regarding the nature of assessment, all three tests are synchronal assessments. However, while ICCS is an international comparative test, BCT is a norm-referenced assessment for school entrance, and TASA focuses on the analysis of trends in learning achievement. In terms of the assessment framework, all three include dimensions for knowledge and cognition, but ICCS includes civil society and systems, civic principles, civic participation and civic identities, while the contents of BCT and TASA are confined to the national curriculum guidelines for the Social Studies Area. As for test item types , the ICCS includes multiple-choice questions and open-ended response questions, while BCT and TASA contain only multiple-choice questions. The ICCS' s open-ended response questions achieve higher levels of evaluation, which can serve as a model for BCT and TASA. With the above-mentioned research comparison, this article offers three suggestions for improving assessments of student achievement in civic/citizenship education in Taiwan: broaden the content of civic knowledge assessed, modify test item types , and develop longitudinal followup assessments. It is hoped that Taiwan will be able to develop objective and inspiring ways of assessing student achievement, so as to promote the effectiveness of assessment and meet the need of educational reform in the radically changing and globalized era.
In 2009, Taiwan participated in the International Civic and Citizenship Education Study ( ICCS) , conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (lEA) . With 5,167 students tested, it was one of the largest international surveys carried out in Taiwan in recent years. This article aims to investigate the nature of assessment, assessment framework , and test item types of the ICCS and conduct a comparative analysis with the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students (BCT) and Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) . Regarding the nature of assessment, all three tests are synchronal assessments. However, while ICCS is an international comparative test, BCT is a norm-referenced assessment for school entrance, and TASA focuses on the analysis of trends in learning achievement. In terms of the assessment framework, all three include dimensions for knowledge and cognition, but ICCS includes civil society and systems, civic principles, civic participation and civic identities, while the contents of BCT and TASA are confined to the national curriculum guidelines for the Social Studies Area. As for test item types , the ICCS includes multiple-choice questions and open-ended response questions, while BCT and TASA contain only multiple-choice questions. The ICCS' s open-ended response questions achieve higher levels of evaluation, which can serve as a model for BCT and TASA. With the above-mentioned research comparison, this article offers three suggestions for improving assessments of student achievement in civic/citizenship education in Taiwan: broaden the content of civic knowledge assessed, modify test item types , and develop longitudinal followup assessments. It is hoped that Taiwan will be able to develop objective and inspiring ways of assessing student achievement, so as to promote the effectiveness of assessment and meet the need of educational reform in the radically changing and globalized era.