從「第三次國際科學與數學教育成就研究後續調查(TIMSS 1999)」結果探討國中學生學習成就與學生特質的關係:七個國家之比較
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本研究利用TIMSS 1999資料探討台灣、新加坡、日本、韓國、美國、義大利和智利等七個國家的國中學生特質與學習成就的關係,以逐步回歸分析,從27項學生特質中找出對科學成就的強預測因素,並比較各國學生科學成就的強預測因素之異同。本研究的主要發現如下:(一)台灣和智利、義大利、日本、韓國、新加坡、美國等七個國家的學生有九個共同特質,包括:(1)在上學前或放學後通常沒有花時間參加科學或數學的社團;(2)家中有電算器;(3)家中有個人專用的書桌;(4)家中有字典;(5)母親認為在學校學好自然科學是重要的;(6)自認在學校學好自然科學是重要的;(7)自認有休閒輕鬆的時間是重要的;(8)自認要學好自然科學必需在家努力多學習;和(9)當年度在學校有上自然科學的課程;(二)27個學生特質變數從因素分析可得到八個共同因素,七個國家學生特質所有共同因素解釋的總變異量為54%;(三)亞洲四國學生科學成就與特質相關性中,日本和韓國前五個高相關的變數相同,相似性最高;新加坡和美國前四個高相關的變數相同,與美國相似,與亞洲其他國家不同;(四)以R平方改變量 .01以上之變數作為各國的回歸模式時,對各國學生科學成就具有預測力之特質變數分別為六至十個,這些特質變數的預測力達35%~48%;(五)台灣學生特質的預測力與其他國家都不相似,四個亞洲國家科學成就都在前五名,建議進行跨國合作研究計畫,從評量制度、學生的價值觀和文化特質來探討其對學生科學成就的影響。
This study made use of data of Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea, United States, Italy, and Chile in TIMSS 1999 to compare the relationships of the characteristics and science achievements among seven countries, to find out the strong predictors related to science achievements from 27 student characteristics. Major findings were as follows: (A) Students of Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea, United States, Italy, and Chile had nine common characteristics, including: (1) before going to school or after school, students did not attend science or mathematics clubs; (2) each student had a calculator at home; (3) each student had a personal desk at home; (4) each student had a dictionary at home; (5) each student thought that his mother thought that doing well in science at school was important; (6) each student thought that doing well in science at school was important; (7) each student thought to have leisure time was important; (8) it was necessary to study hard for good grades at home; and (9) each student had taken science courses this year. (B) There were eight common factors which explained 54% variance of science achievement. (C) Japan and Korea had the same first five high correlated variables, and Singapore was similar to the United States in the four high correlated variables.(D) With R square changes above .01, there were 6-10 student characteristics counting for science achievements for seven countries by 35%~48% in variance. (E) Student characteristics of Taiwan were different from student characteristics of Japan, Korea, and Singapore. Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and Korea had different strong predictors in students’ science achievement, however, all four countries were ranked top compared to other counties. It was suggested that scholars from different countries work together to study educational assessment system, students’ values and culture characteristics of each country, and to find out the possible reasons that influence students’ science achievements.
This study made use of data of Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea, United States, Italy, and Chile in TIMSS 1999 to compare the relationships of the characteristics and science achievements among seven countries, to find out the strong predictors related to science achievements from 27 student characteristics. Major findings were as follows: (A) Students of Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, Korea, United States, Italy, and Chile had nine common characteristics, including: (1) before going to school or after school, students did not attend science or mathematics clubs; (2) each student had a calculator at home; (3) each student had a personal desk at home; (4) each student had a dictionary at home; (5) each student thought that his mother thought that doing well in science at school was important; (6) each student thought that doing well in science at school was important; (7) each student thought to have leisure time was important; (8) it was necessary to study hard for good grades at home; and (9) each student had taken science courses this year. (B) There were eight common factors which explained 54% variance of science achievement. (C) Japan and Korea had the same first five high correlated variables, and Singapore was similar to the United States in the four high correlated variables.(D) With R square changes above .01, there were 6-10 student characteristics counting for science achievements for seven countries by 35%~48% in variance. (E) Student characteristics of Taiwan were different from student characteristics of Japan, Korea, and Singapore. Taiwan, Singapore, Japan, and Korea had different strong predictors in students’ science achievement, however, all four countries were ranked top compared to other counties. It was suggested that scholars from different countries work together to study educational assessment system, students’ values and culture characteristics of each country, and to find out the possible reasons that influence students’ science achievements.
第三次國際數學與科學教育成就研究後續調查, 學生特質, 科學成就, 性別, TIMSS 1999, student's characteristic, science achievement, gender