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本研究為結合心理學及翻譯學之跨領研究,由國立臺灣師範大學翻譯研 究所提供口譯專業領域知識,另由政治大學心理系眼動與閱讀實驗室提供 眼動儀操作及實驗設計之專業領域知識。 口譯活動包括「傾聽」 (listening) 、「去語言化」(deverbalization)、「再 述」(reformulation)等三階段(Seleskovitch, 1978)。三個階段中,第一階段 為口譯活動的基礎,若無法理解輸入語,則後續第二及第三階段皆無法進 行。然而目前口譯研究中對於口譯進行過程中理解階段的相關研究付之闕 如,其中一重要原因為口譯的輸入語通常以聲音方式傳輸,理解過程較不 涉及文字來源,而基於目前研究能力之限制,研究口譯員對聲音的理解過 程相對較為困難,無法直接引用閱讀相關研究成果,因而長期以來口譯過 程中理解相關之研究並未出現重大進展。 惟口譯過程中有兩種型式涉及文字型式之輸入語,分別為視譯及有稿同 步口譯。視譯乃指輸入語為書面文字,口譯員以口語方式進行翻譯;有稿 同步則為口譯進行時除講者之口語發言之外,並有書面文字同時提供給口 譯員之情形,常見的有稿同步口譯狀況為講者念稿,口譯員同時進行訊息 處理及翻譯。 眼動儀於各領域之應用相當廣泛,近年來也多用於閱讀及語言教學,已 累積相當成果,於翻譯研究中之應用亦所多見。雖然應用眼動儀之翻譯研 究雖然已逐漸累積,但是針對於前述視譯之特定研究仍有待開發。基於前 述背景,本研究將運用眼動儀逐步探討視譯過程中視覺因素之影響。期望 能夠逐年累積研究成果,進一步了解視譯過程影響品質之因素。 本研究自2009年起自行進行初探性研究,並已完成碩士論文一篇(黃致 潔,2011)以及研討會論文一篇(楊馨慧等,2012)。初探性研究結果發現視 譯初期眼動指標與單純閱讀十分類似,視譯的語言轉換過程應於眼動軌跡 第二次凝視時才進行。足以證明口譯教學中常提及的前置閱讀(read ahead) 的確存在。另外,眼動資料及語音資料之配合亦顯示,口譯技巧與筆譯技 巧有許多雷同之處,值得進一歩探討其教學意涵。 根據前期研究所累積之經驗,本研究將探討生手與專家口譯員進行視譯 過程中眼動模式是否有所不同。如果有,差異為何? 研究結果將與前期自 行研究結果結合,深入研究視譯技能之能力養成過程,以期對於翻譯教學 有所貢獻。
This is an interdisciplinary research proposal. The major objective of this research project is to investigate if there is any difference between novice and expert interpreters in the input stage of the interpreting process, which currently remains unexplored to interpreting researchers and instructors and thus a “black box” of interpreting research and training. The process of interpreting includes listening, deverbalization and reformulation. For most cases, the first stage involves audio input. It is critical for the interpreter to fully understand the input in order to proceed with the second and third stages. Without a clear understanding of the original message, no interpretation can be rendered. However, due to technical difficulty and thus lack of analytical tools, research of the interpreter’s understanding of audio input is relatively more difficult because no direct reference is available. This is why interpreting research related to the area has seen very limited progress. Against this background, this study will use eye tracking technique in the setting of sight translation to investigate the difference, if there is any, in the three stages of interpreting between novice and expert interpreters. Since 2009, this research team has compared the eye movements in reading, read out laud and sight translation to investigate the changes that are caused by the extra task of language conversion in terms of eye movement. By analyzing the record of eye movement, this study is able to confirm that eye movements in the early stage of sight translation are very similar to those of silent reading (Huang, 2011) and therefore argues that “read ahead” actually exists. Is it also found by Yang et al (2012) that translation and interpretation shares similar strategies (see Table C012 for reference). Based upon the results of these two previous studies, experience will be chosen as the variable to be studied. If there are actually difference eye movements in experts and novices, there might be pedagogical implications that can be drawn. The difference in terms of strategies and cognition process will reveal important information with regard to training and curriculum design.







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