混合式辦公者之專注生產力APP 使用行為研究

dc.contributorChiu, Ming-Hsinen_US
dc.contributor.authorLIANG, SHENG-CHIEHen_US
dc.description.abstract科技發展帶來的便利,為現代人生活型態創造了更多選擇性,反之,科技也為現代人造成許多問題。現在世界各國的人們都可以隨時隨地瀏覽來自各地的新聞、社群媒體、網路資源等,當我們生活中的資訊量被不斷產生與累積而超出人們可以負荷的認知極限時,資訊超載(Information Overload)的狀況就會隨之而出,這會對人們的專注力、創造力甚至思考能力產生負面影響,使人們常常無法專注於重要的任務與思考上。針對上述情況,隨著行動網路等科技普及,專注生產力APP 隨之產生,致力於排解現代人時常無法保持專注的問題。歷經數年新冠肺炎疫情的侵擾,世界儼然產生新的樣貌,人們的生活型態、工作模式皆有了新的體驗,混合式辦公工作者就是其中一種新興工作模式,也有許多依據時代發展而產生之協助工作相關數位產品,如:專注生產力APP 也成為其一。過去數年,國內外人力資源、企業管理等領域已有許多針對混合式辦公模式的相關研究,但針對辦公式工作者與專注生產力APP的研究尚為稀少,於國內也尚未有相關研究。本研究為了解混合式辦公者之專注生產力APP 使用行為,具體研究目的包含探討混合式辦公者之專注生產力APP 使用需求、使用行為及使用成效,本研究徵集 10 位身為至少三個月內,每週皆會於至少兩個不同場所進行工作行為的混合式辦公者,作為本研究之受測者進行為期 7 日的日誌研究以及後續進行的訪談。本研究發現混合式辦公者之專注生產力APP 使用行為,大多為積極想協助自己在不同工作地點打造一致工作氛圍的實際表現,混合式辦公者的工作日常是相對頻繁的在不同的地點及工作環境從事工作行為,但轉換工作地點及環境會出現不同程度影響混合式辦公者的專注生產力,所需要面對的具體需求分別為「提升自身專注力」、「尋找工作節奏」、「避免外在干擾」,混合式辦公者會希望可以在不同的工作地點及環境皆能保持一樣的工作狀態,從而利用專注生產力APP 的「專注模式」、「計時器」、「任務清單」功能協助自己保持專注生產力。而整體來說,透過訪談了解到混合式辦公者對於專注生產力 APP 帶來的幫助幾乎皆為正面的評價,但通常都會利用相關的其他搭配工具協助自己達成更佳的專注生產力效果,顯然現有的專注生產力APP 未能完全滿足混合式辦公者其使用行為中背後的需求,但已經可以滿足基本的核心需求。 基於研究結果,建議未來研究者及專注生產力APP 開發者,可以重點觀察不同類型的工作者使用行為與使用者於專注生產力APP使用過程中所搭配的其他工具,除提供更全面的功能服務外,也避免在使用者使用情境中,因為功能限制而導致使用者不便於使用搭配工具,應建立與相關工具的相容或互不牴觸的機制,以創造更貼合混合式辦公者使用情境的專注生產力APP。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractConvenience brought by technological advancements has provided modern lifestyles with more choices; however, it has also led to various issues for individuals. The ability to access news, social media, and online resources from anywhere in the world has resulted in information overload. As the volume of information in our lives continues to exceed cognitive limits, information overload negatively impacts concentration, creativity, and cognitive abilities, preventing individuals from focusing on essential tasks and thoughts. Addressing this situation, with the widespread use of mobile networks and other technologies, Focus Productivity Apps have emerged to alleviate the common challenge of maintaining focus in modern life.In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the world has undergone significant changes in lifestyle and work patterns. The hybrid office model has emerged as a new working arrangement, accompanied by various digital products designed to support work in the current era, including Focus Productivity Apps. While there has been considerable research in fields such as human resources and corporate management on hybrid office models in recent years, studies specifically focusing on office workers and their usage of Focus Productivity Apps remain limited, particularly in the domestic context.This study aims to understand the usage behavior of Focus Productivity Apps among hybrid office workers. Specific research objectives include exploring the needs, behaviors, and effectiveness of using Focus Productivity Apps for these workers. The study involved 10 participants who had been practicing hybrid office work for at least three months, working in at least two different locations each week. The research included a 7-day diary study and subsequent interviews. The findings of this study reveal that the usage behavior of Focus Productivity Apps among hybrid office workers is primarily driven by the desire to create a consistent work environment across different locations actively. Hybrid office workers frequently engage in work activities in various locations and environments. However, this transition affects their concentration and productivity differently, leading to specific needs such as enhancing personal focus, finding a work rhythm, and avoiding external distractions. Hybrid office workers wish to maintain a consistent work state across different locations, utilizing features like'Focus Mode,' 'Timer,' and 'Task List' in Focus Productivity Apps to enhance their productivity. Overall, the study indicates that Focus Productivity Apps receive positive evaluations from hybrid office workers, but they often use complementary tools to achieve optimal focus and productivity. While existing Focus Productivity Apps do not fully meet the underlying needs of hybrid office workers' usage behavior, they address the fundamental core requirements. Based on the research results, futureresearchers and developers of Focus Productivity Apps are advised to closely observe the usage behavior of different types of workers and consider the tools users may use alongside Focus Productivity Apps. To provide more comprehensive functionality and avoid inconvenience for users due to feature limitations, compatibility mechanisms with related tools should be established. This approach ensures the creation of Focus Productivity Apps that better align with the usage context of hybrid office workers.en_US
dc.subjectHybrid Worken_US
dc.subjectFocus Productivity APPen_US
dc.title混合式辦公者之專注生產力APP 使用行為研究zh_TW
dc.titleUser on the Use of Focus Productivity Apps for Hybrid Office Workersen_US


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