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Department of Educational Psychology, NTNU


本研究的目的為對基督徒諮商員設計一個融入宗教/靈性於諮商的課程,並了解參與成員對此課程的收穫與反應。共有23 名基督徒諮商員參與本課程,女性21 名,男性2 名。課程目標有四:1. 協助基督徒諮商員對信仰與靈性的自我探索與覺察;2. 增加基督徒諮商員對台灣社會文化的多樣化宗教與靈性行為的認識;3. 提升基督徒諮商員對在諮商中的宗教信仰與靈性議題的敏感度、了解與接納;4. 提升基督徒諮商員對案主(含基督徒與非基督徒案主)的宗教/靈性評估與介入處理的實務能力。根據課程目標共設計十個主題,每個主題三小時,全部課程共計30 小時。成員的反應資料來自於期中與期末共六個焦點團體對成員的訪談。研究結果顯示成員的收穫包括:增加個人宗教/靈性覺察、體悟提升諮商師宗教/靈性有助於諮商接案、澄清融入宗教/靈性的諮商倫理、認識宗教、靈性與不同宗教的異同、改變對宗教與靈性的態度、增加宗教/靈性處遇的能力、獲得專業夥伴支持與相互學習、朝向宗教/靈性與諮商整合的學習、對基督徒與非基督徒案主之諮商實務觀點與作法的改變。研究結果也發現成員對信仰自我表露的態度與作法,及成員對非基督徒案主工作的信仰價值衝突。文末提出討論與建議作為對未來相似課程設計的參考。
The purpose of this study was to introduce a course incorporatingreligion/spirituality into counseling for Christian counselors and to explore their feedbacks to the course. A total of 23 Christian counselors, 2 males and 21 females, participated in the study. The course included four goals which were to enhance counselors’ spiritual awareness, to increase the understanding of multi-religions in Taiwan, to enhance the sensitivity toward clients’ religious diversity, and to enhance the competencies of spiritual assessment and intervention. In order to reach the goals, 10 themes in 30 hours were included in the course. To explore the reactions of the participants toward the course, 6 focused groups were conducted in the middle and the end of the course. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results showed positive feedbacks. Participants increased spiritual awareness, gained insight about the positive impacts of counselor’s spirituality on their spiritual works, clarified the ethics of spiritually integrated counseling, discerned about the difference of religion and spirituality, changed attitude into positive toward religion and spirituality, increased competency of spiritual intervention, obtained mutual supports and learning from each other, moved toward the integration of spirituality and counseling, andchanged the perspectives and actions toward both Christian and non-Christian clients. Results also showed participants expressed the contexts of self-disclosure on spirituality, and concerned the value conflicts toward non-Christian clients. Recommendations for future course design and research were proposed in the end.


