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解構「文化」、「創意」、「產業」的組合即可得知,對文化創意業來說,其最終目的,經濟不會是唯一的產值,而是在經濟與社會價值的平衡之間,找到持續下一波價值創造的能量。如同產業鏈的意義與價值是跟隨著成本與利潤而透過文創產業形成的「價值鏈( value chain)」,嚴格來說則是連結了經濟利益與社會影響的思考,同時關注的是文創產業化過程在經濟價值之外所可能產出的「非經濟」的價值。
文化部所推出的「加強投資文化創意產業委託投資管理計畫」,投注國家資金,並邀請民間創投公司共同投資具有潛力的文創產業,除了資金,它更廣泛的牽涉到文創產業規模的擴大,技術的提升,智財權的保障,市場通路的開創,人才的就業機會,文化內容的轉化與表現,生活水平的提高等等。因而在投資與獲利之間的概念則必要跳脫傳統產業思維,將文創產業的發展視為文化生產的循環過程。在投資過程的互動關係上建立起共通的價值觀點,除投資報酬率(ROI)之外也將「社會投資報酬率(Social Return on Investment)」也就是「社會影響力(Social Impact)」一併納入評估。
As the year of 2012 was the year that Ministry of Culture established, it also illustrated a new coming age of culture development. During this period, the most important task of MOC that the plan of investment on cultural creative industries was in progress. But this new undertaking assignment is not so reasonable growth as expected, cause the discrepancy between economic return and cultural impact and the misunderstanding of the join ventures. The comments and critiques from different fields indicated that, the controversy of the plan is rooted on the join ventures who confuse the core value of cultural industries, then the wrong acknowledge therefore leads to an inconsistent expect of profit recovery. If we deem culture as a cycle, the investment on creative industry is not only for the money in return, also have to inspires the performance of higher creative, higher employment rate, higher technique, and that’s what we realized as the soft power to strengthen the national competitiveness. For the reason that, the join ventures, includes MOC and private funds, should abandon the fixed commercial thinking then try to understand that the output of cultural industries investment, besides the economic profit is coordinated along with social impact. Positively to build a equal evaluation criteria on cultural industries investment and renew the concepts about investment to balancing the profit recovery is immediately demand. All these learning and changing will make the join ventures do good on cultural industry, eradicate the traditional thoughts of investment, advance the circumstance of creative, make the workers in this pool to get more chance, eventually the investment on creative industry in Taiwan will create both sustainable value and extend the market value in the same time.
As the year of 2012 was the year that Ministry of Culture established, it also illustrated a new coming age of culture development. During this period, the most important task of MOC that the plan of investment on cultural creative industries was in progress. But this new undertaking assignment is not so reasonable growth as expected, cause the discrepancy between economic return and cultural impact and the misunderstanding of the join ventures. The comments and critiques from different fields indicated that, the controversy of the plan is rooted on the join ventures who confuse the core value of cultural industries, then the wrong acknowledge therefore leads to an inconsistent expect of profit recovery. If we deem culture as a cycle, the investment on creative industry is not only for the money in return, also have to inspires the performance of higher creative, higher employment rate, higher technique, and that’s what we realized as the soft power to strengthen the national competitiveness. For the reason that, the join ventures, includes MOC and private funds, should abandon the fixed commercial thinking then try to understand that the output of cultural industries investment, besides the economic profit is coordinated along with social impact. Positively to build a equal evaluation criteria on cultural industries investment and renew the concepts about investment to balancing the profit recovery is immediately demand. All these learning and changing will make the join ventures do good on cultural industry, eradicate the traditional thoughts of investment, advance the circumstance of creative, make the workers in this pool to get more chance, eventually the investment on creative industry in Taiwan will create both sustainable value and extend the market value in the same time.
核心價值, 創業投資, 價值鏈, 商業模式, 評價機制, 社會企業, Core Value, Venture Capital, Value Chain, Business Model, Evaluation, Social Entreprise