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  本論文旨在了解雲林縣國小校護照顧身材矮小學童之相關知識、態度、行為意向現況,並探討照顧行為意向相關因素。以雲林縣公立國民小學學校護理人員為調查對象,研究工具為自擬之結構式問卷,共收案123位,有效回收率78.3%,再以單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析和多元迴歸進行分析。結果顯示: 一、 研究對象的身材矮小相關知識得分17.53分(滿分21分),顯示知識頗佳,且以定義方面最高,治療與注意事項方面最低。有護理師專業證照、曾有照顧身材矮小學童經驗者之知識較佳。 二、 研究對象照顧身材矮小學童態度趨近正向,且以工作責任歸屬和尋求資源兩部分得分較高,而執行個案管理得分最低。工作年資16年以上、曾參加在職教育訓練者態度較正向。 三、 照顧身材矮小學童行為意向頗高,以個案管理和尋求資源得分較高,而醫療專業問題諮詢得分最低。具有護理師證照者照顧身材矮小學童之行為意向比具護士執照者高。 四、 身材矮小相關知識、照顧身材矮小學童態度、照顧身材矮小學童行為意向彼此之間均呈正相關。 五、 研究對象之社會人口學變項、照顧身材矮小孩童經驗、學校因素、身材矮小相關知識、照顧身材矮小孩童態度可解釋照顧身材矮小孩童行為意向 54.8 %的變異量,其中重要變項是照顧身材矮小學童態度、校護與學生數比值、年齡。 六、 研究對象執行身材矮小學童照顧工作上常見的困難是家長認知不足和不重視、醫療資源不足、相關在職教育訓練較少和學校行政配合度不足。   本研究建議,培養照顧照顧身材矮小孩童正向態度、減少每名校護照顧學生數,以增強學校護士照顧身材矮小孩童的行為意向。行政上,應設法提高家長正確認知、解決醫療資源不足和行政配合不佳等困難。
  The purpose of this study was to asses the knowledge, attitude, behavior intention and the related factors concerning with caring of short stature students by elementary school nurses in Yunlin County. A structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Totally, one hundred and twenty-three valid questionnaires were returned (78.3%). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and Regression analysis. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. The score of knowledge regarding short stature was 17.5(the full marks was 21)indicating that knowledge of the subjects was good. 2. Attitude toward short stature students’ caring was quite positive. 3. Behavior intention of subjects toward caring short stature students was quite strong. 4. There were positive relationships among knowledge, attitude and behavior intention toward caring short stature students. 5. Totally, 54.8% of the variance of behavior intention toward caring short stature students was explained by demographic factors, experience, school factors, knowledge, and attitude toward caring short stature students. The influential factors were attitude toward caring short stature students, ratio of nurses and students, and age. 6. The challenges for taking care of short stature students were inadequate knowledge of parents, the disproportionate medical resources, lack of continuing education, and insufficient support from school staff.   According to the results, we recommend that cultivating positive attitude toward short stature student’s caring in order to promote behavior intention of school nurses. The administration should increase parent knowledge, provide more medical resources, and enhance support from staff.



學校護理人員, 身材矮小孩童, 照顧態度, 照顧意向, school nurse, short stature student, attitude towarding caring, behavior intention towarding caring





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